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  1. Justice1976

    Bill Grady's Post ...

    I really can't disagree with you. I went back to college after HAC and was able to earn two more degrees and a means to support myself. God has been good to me. But I never forgot those HASC years although I do not adhere today to much of what was taught there.
  2. Justice1976

    Rex Humbard

    Does anyone else remember Rex Humbard? He was ( I believe) the first pastor to have a nationwide television broadcast, that in my home location aired every Sunday morning before we would go to church. My parents were big fans and once, we traveled about 500-600 miles to visit Rex's church, "The...
  3. Justice1976

    Sears at Southlake Mall Scheduled to Close

    If I knew his real name, I might have known Twisted.
  4. Justice1976

    John R Rice

    I think he was the closest to "the real thing" that fundamentalism had to offer until he died in 1980. Frankly, I didn't care so much for his preaching, but I must say that by the time I heard him in the mid seventies, he was almost totally deaf and couldn't hear himself very well. The output...
  5. Justice1976

    Jerry Scott Still "Foot-Firing" Down in Texas!

    A friend and fellow student of mine actually won Jerry to Christ -- I'm going to say in the Spring of 1977. My friend worked with Jerry at the Hammond Times and brought him in. I knew him the very first day he set foot on campus. It didn't take long for Jerry to "outgrow" us. And soon he acted...
  6. Justice1976

    Sears at Southlake Mall Scheduled to Close

    Is Southlake Mall still open? The fall of 1976 was my first semester at HAC. I was a new student, single and very much trying to think my way through that chaos. I had worked before I went there and save enough to pay my tuition the first year, because I didn't know what I would be facing in...
  7. Justice1976

    Bill Grady's Post ...

    I knew Danny. Not intimately, but I knew him. I remember his saying he went to a church in Florida pastored by Tim -- and I can't remember his last name. I am so very sorry for your loss and to hear that Danny passed away. I ALWAYS liked him. He was a very genuine guy. Florida has to be a bit...
  8. Justice1976

    Bill Grady's Post ...

    I was at HAC from 76-81 and I remember him. I had always thought of him as a bit rough around the edges, not very well groomed and frankly, sort of a joke. I pretty much lost touch with the place after I left in '81 but somewhere down the road heard that Grady had become a faculty member. My...
  9. Justice1976

    Cindy Collins observation

    I'm so out of touch, I really don't know who the Duggars are. I HAVE heard of them, but know next to nothing about them.
  10. Justice1976

    Dave Hyles in the News Again - Back to His Old Tricks?

    I was in Hammond from 1976-81. Through some (at the time) extraordinary circumstances I got to know Dave on a personal basis. I was there when he and Paula got married, had their first couple of kids and moved to Texas. In the summer of 1982 he practically begged me to join him at Miller Road...
  11. Justice1976

    Cindy Collins observation

    Call me an apostate, but that is not a big deal to me any longer. Hasn't been for decades. Not criticizing anyone who thinks otherwise, just not an issue for me.
  12. Justice1976

    Johnny Pope/Christchurch Baptist Fellowship

    I left the Hammond area over 40 years ago and have observed Pope from a very distant perch these past forty years. I believe, that while imperfect, he has been faithful to what he believed. Everyone has their opinions, but he always treated me respectfully back in the day. I think he has tried...
  13. Justice1976

    An Open Letter TO Linda Hyles Murphrey

    I knew them both. I think both were being honest in their report. I also think that the last fifteen years of the Hyles ministry was particularly cursed. After 1990 he was just hanging on, trying to be significant.
  14. Justice1976

    Update on First Baptist Church of Hammond

    I took note this past May, according to the photos posted on the HAC Alumni FB page that the college had something in the 80-100 graduates this past year. I went back and checked my old yearbook -- I realize this is not an exact way to calculate, but the college would never produce such numbers...
  15. Justice1976

    Cindy Collins observation

    I see Cindy in survival mode. I think her life was up in the air for a good while after Jack did what he did. I was not the least surprised that she divorced him. I have seen that situation several times before. The dutiful wives all promised to wait for their husbands' releases from prison, but...
  16. Justice1976

    Lesson notes from Cindy 4 months before Jack's arrest

    I read some things like that today and wonder how anyone takes anything of the sort serious? But then again over forty years later I would like to think that I was too smart to be in a cult, but I suppose my actions belie my belief. And I am shamed by it.
  17. Justice1976

    Jack Schaap Petitions Again for Early Release From Prison

    I've been in the legal field for decades. I don't blame him for asking to be released early. Prison is a horrible place. Just a bit of context. I was very involved in a case about 10 years ago where a guy set up a ring and he and his group of banditos stole over a million dollars worth of...
  18. Justice1976

    40 years ago.....

    I graduated in 1981 too.
  19. Justice1976

    The Hyles/Nischik love letters

    Vic died almost nine years ago. He and I swapped emails a good many times in the last ten years of his life. For many reasons, I believe most of what he said was true. I believe that relationship (between Jack and Jennie) was horrible and a great blotch on the Hyles record. I don't know if I...
  20. Justice1976

    Danny Hester

    I was at HAC from 1976-81. I knew Danny pretty well and even made a contact with him about twenty years ago. A rare event for me. He was a good guy. I liked him a lot. Blessings to Sherry.