Dave Hyles in the News Again - Back to His Old Tricks?

Now posting Davey-boy jokes is what is happening?

How like the world.........everything is a joke.
Well, Dave Hyles certainly is. He's been manipulating woman and ministry positions most of his life. Of course the only ones left that he can take advantage of are the gullible. Gullible ministries that send him money and gullible women.
How like the world.........everything is a joke.
Dave Hyles is a joke. And if someone doesn't give him the hook and drag him off the stage, he's going to beclown a lot more of the IFB movement.

It's not his fault he's one degree removed from Jacky-boy, though. Proximity to Jack Hyles is inversely proportional to one's ability to keep his pants on.
justice maybe knocking on his door..........sounds great for these women
I was in Hammond from 1976-81. Through some (at the time) extraordinary circumstances I got to know Dave on a personal basis. I was there when he and Paula got married, had their first couple of kids and moved to Texas. In the summer of 1982 he practically begged me to join him at Miller Road and offered me a position there. In what was probably the best decision of my life, I declined and I don't believe I ever heard from him again. We did exchange a few emails 10-12 years ago.

My humble opinion -- I believe Dave has some severe psychological issues that warp his view of females. I think this has plagued him his entire life. I think he is sociopathic in that he has little to no remorse for his actions. I mean, he will not discuss his actions and I sincerely doubt he has EVER come completely clean to anyone about various sinful behaviors through the years.

With fear and trembling, I assert that I doubt he's ever been saved. I hope he has. God can save anyone, but in my view Dave does not bear the marks of a true believer. God help him, and God help us all by His great grace.