Jack Schaap Petitions Again for Early Release From Prison

I've been in the legal field for decades. I don't blame him for asking to be released early. Prison is a horrible place.

Just a bit of context. I was very involved in a case about 10 years ago where a guy set up a ring and he and his group of banditos stole over a million dollars worth of merchandise from Best Buy and were selling it on eBay. He was caught, tried and convicted. He served about six years in the federal pen. SIX YEARS for a million dollars.

Jack served almost twice that long for a relatively short-term fling with a 16-17 year old.

Take that for what it's worth to you.
Jack served almost twice that long for a relatively short-term fling with a 16-17 year old.
Because sexual.assault of a minor is a more serious crime. You realize the death penalty is a possibility for child rape in more than one state? When was anyone last executed for theft?