Can a Christian be a Democrat?

As one who has been divorced, I wholeheartedly agree! Fact of the matter is that when one person decides to walk out of a marriage, the other usually has no recourse whatsoever especially since "no fault divorce" is now the law of the land. 1 Cor 7:15 seems quite clear and it really does not matter what they actually "profess." I believe that divorce is a matter for Church discipline and the one initiating the divorce must be confronted per Mt 18 and if they will not receive counsel from the church and try to work things out, they are pretty much to be regarded as a "heathen and a publican" and should be "disfellowshipped" from the congregation so the one who has been "left" will be at peace and have the support of the congregation.

Believer me, the bottom dropped out from under me and I was in a very dark place during this time! God hates divorce but I wonder if he hates it more than I do? I'm sure he does and does so with a perfect hatred. Even though the wounds have healed, the scars are still there.

I am remarried and now serve as a deacon in my Church and the Lord has restored me far beyond what I ever thought he could or would! Once upon a time, I believed that God had called me to the Philippines as a missionary but since I didn't go, God has literally brought the Philippines to me! the Filipina lady that God brought into my life, he used to draw me back to him and vice versa for her! I have seen the Lord at work in her life as well as in her kids and among our grandkids. God is working among all my wife's siblings and relatives in the Philippines and attendance at the local Baptist Church has literally doubled as a result and this pastor is quite busy with discipleship and leading a Bible study in the barangay where they live!

I am not a pastor nor will I ever seek out the office of a pastor. I am a Bible teacher (and preacher) though and this is what God has equipped and enabled me to be and to do. Although I am an andra mias gynaikos (a one woman man, 1 Tim 3:2), I understand that such carries a stigma and a distraction that a local congregation just does not need. I will serve the Lord wherever he gives me opportunity and by his grace, will do so until he calls me home!
I wish Steve (my ex BIL) would have followed this. He used to preach against men being pastors before my sister finally divorced him. Instead, he is the pastor of Lulaton Baptist Church in southern Georgia. Don't get me wrong, I don't dislike the man...he's very personable, but he's got the standards of the snake in the Garden.
I wish Steve (my ex BIL) would have followed this. He used to preach against men being pastors before my sister finally divorced him. Instead, he is the pastor of Lulaton Baptist Church in southern Georgia. Don't get me wrong, I don't dislike the man...he's very personable, but he's got the standards of the snake in the Garden.
I am rather pragmatic concerning whether a divorced man should ever pastor. It seems to be a matter of conscience between both the pastor and the congregation. If a congregation calls someone who had been divorced previously, who am I to say? What does matter is that everyone is honest and abover board regarding the past and the main thing that matters is where is this person now and how is his present marriage and family life?

Personal character is everything and 1 Tim 3 should be closely and carefully followed! I do not know Steve but if he consistently falls short of these standards, then yes, he should step down for the good of this congregation and the testimony of Christ. Note that I said CONSISTENTLY falls short though. I do not believe that anyone could ever meet the qualifications of 1 Tim 3 and Tit 1 perfectly and consistently - we will always fall short and when we do, we need to acknowledge our shortcomings, repent, and strive to do better.

My pastor has actually asked why I haven't sought out a pastorate for myself and I have told him expressly why. I also told him the only way I would ever find myself in the position of a pastor is if I had the unanimous consent of a congregation who was begging me to be their pastor, that God had a big 2 x 4 ready to wonk me upside my head if I was disobedient to such a calling, and I had 100% support of my wife who told me I had better follow the Lord! In other words, I would take a pastorate if it became impossible for me to run away from it! 🤣
Abortion not being a states-rights issue isn't what made Roe bad. Slavery was abolished at the federal level. It was a states-rights issue before the Civil War.

"It's a states issue" apparently means vote for abortion rights when the state passes a law protecting the unborn more than you want them protected.
"It's a states issue" apparently means vote for abortion rights when the state passes a law protecting the unborn more than you want them protected.
He has never been pro life. Neither was the Republican Party. The GOP facade has finally come down and it is no surprise that Mr. Trump approves.

Thankfully as a Christian I only have to prostitue myself to him one more time.
He has never been pro life. Neither was the Republican Party. The GOP facade has finally come down and it is no surprise that Mr. Trump approves.

Thankfully as a Christian I only have to prostitue myself to him one more time.
just when i think i have seen you spout off with the sickest most vile thing that you ... as a christian ...could be capable of saying.... surprise me once again.....
The sarcasm escaped you?
has the love of decency escaped you?.... you who claims you dislike trump because decency escapes him?...... ..

even if was sarcasm it was still innapropriate.... but i seriously doubt your comment was made for the sake of sarcasm.... .. it looks more like a junior high boys room attempt at making a shock statement to me... ..and one that has vile and disgusting overtones none the less - making an offhand reference to an evil lifestyle some of us were forced into as children... and which destroyed our chances to live any kind of normal adult life... and then pretending that making the decision ..on your own.. to vote for donald trump rather than his communist opponent is somehow equal to that........... sicken me beyond words......

a while back you made a comment how you wished you and i could sit down together to coffee and to talk.... . .... personally i am thankful it will never happen... ... i am very happy to know there is at least 6000 miles and half the pacific ocean between you and me.... . and communications like this print... and through an internet forum... is as close as our "talks" will ever get....
He has never been pro life. Neither was the Republican Party. The GOP facade has finally come down and it is no surprise that Mr. Trump approves.
And yet no President has accomplished more for the pro life movement than he has.

Thankfully as a Christian I only have to prostitue myself to him one more time.
If you love your job, is it really work?
has the love of decency escaped you?.... you who claims you dislike trump because decency escapes him?...... ..

even if was sarcasm it was still innapropriate.... but i seriously doubt your comment was made for the sake of sarcasm.... .. it looks more like a junior high boys room attempt at making a shock statement to me... ..and one that has vile and disgusting overtones none the less - making an offhand reference to an evil lifestyle some of us were forced into as children... and which destroyed our chances to live any kind of normal adult life... and then pretending that making the decision ..on your own.. to vote for donald trump rather than his communist opponent is somehow equal to that........... sicken me beyond words......

a while back you made a comment how you wished you and i could sit down together to coffee and to talk.... . .... personally i am thankful it will never happen... ... i am very happy to know there is at least 6000 miles and half the pacific ocean between you and me.... . and communications like this print... and through an internet forum... is as close as our "talks" will ever get..

What sarcasm? It's only the accusation you've been hurling at us this entire season. I don't believe you, though. I've got you pegged right here.
Pegged with more of the same mistakes and misrepresentations.
Trump clarifies that he will indeed be voting against Amendment 4 in Florida.

Which is good news. We could rightly wish he hadn't been so coy about it earlier, because he got pretty much the whole of conservative Twitter angry. (When everybody misunderstands you, it's not them.)

But the clarity is welcome. Better late than never.
