You might have a small church if..........

....the Costco annual membership takes 10% of your annual budget.
...last years Christmas gift to pastor was a sheet of Burger King coupons.
...potential thieves drive by and just laugh.
....the pastor's back office door opens to his bedroom.  (I've seen that)
....guest preachers give YOU a love offering. attend the Small Church Preachers Fellowship which meets in the continental breakfast room of a Motel 6. drew up expansion plans on a napkin.
....30% of your church left for Bible college but you only sent one student. install mirrors on the walls to make the crowd look bigger. have the choir sing for every radio broadcast but his voice gave out.
You bake your own communion bread...
fishinnut said:
You might have a small church if..........

...the offertory begins when you press play on the cassette recorder just before you walk the offering plate to the two rows with people.
....quartering a pack of Twinkies is more than enough for in-between service church snacks.
Twisted said:
...the sound system is working fine and no one notices.

Glad you posted this twice. I missed it the first time. :D
.... no one gets lost in the crowd.
....ordering a case of hymnbooks is overkill.