You might be a Hacker if....

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bob
  • Start date Start date only allow your church secretary to use an IBM Selectric and her "bible" is this....

OMG where did you did that book LOL! Holy Cow LOL!  :)
Well here goes in no such order LOL!
Mr Colsten
Mrs Colsten
E. Stephens
Mrs Plopper there were 2
Bro Hyles
Jennie Nishick
Lindsay Terry
Bro Fisk
Mrs M......... Gayle mom shouldn't spell her last name
Maxine Jefferies

I didn't know everyone I had help from my husband  :)
Maxine Jeffries, Erma McKinney

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'Merhalski' is Gail's last name. Isn't Jim Lyons one?

Sent from my N860 using Tapatalk 2

One of them is Rose O'Brien. (bottom row, next to Erma McKinney)

Hard to recognize a young Johnny Colsten. He is the one with the black glasses?
You might be a Hacker have mastered the Art of Superlative Hyperbole without knowing that was what it was called or being able to spell it...

Every Sunday morning, Sunday night, and Wednesday night, you hear the greatest message you have ever heard at the greatest church in the world, pastored by the greatest, godliest, and yet most humble pastor in the world, in which you are blessed by the music of the greatest choir ever, accompanied by the most amazing instrumentalists in the world...the Sunday School lessons are written by the best and brightest minds in the world and delivered by the greatest teachers in the world, and oh, the blessings go on and on! You constantly pinch yourself to make sure you aren't dreaming!

As a friend once observed...."If everything is great, then nothing is great."
You took your girlfriend on a date to see the remains of an airplane wreck.
You still have your alumni ID badge and can't wait to get on campus without having to sign in.
You removed a Sunday School teacher in your church because he wore horn-rimmed glasses.
You have ever woken up with a startle, jump to your feet, scream AMEN, wave your Bible, sit back down and fall back asleep - all within 30 seconds - in  the middle of a sermon.
You have ever been in a competition to see who can be the most creative AMENer during a service - and WON!
You have ever had a professor tell you during a quiz: "No, I don't think I did cover that.  But I think it is something everybody should know."
You and your wife have separate bottles of aspirin.
You never knew the college had a library.

What?  Study!?!  Just shout AMEN and run those busses and you'll be fine, brother. 
You cut the word "quit" out from your dictionary....but you highlighted the words "loyal", "submit", and "respect".
You and every member of your immediate and extended family is employed by the church...but when you have a chance to speak at the church, you callously offer the following advice to those who are desperately job-searching and facing foreclosure: "If you don't have a job, get a job."