Views on tithing

aleshanee said:
Citadel of Truth said:
You and I do not have a disagreement on this matter. I think our earlier misunderstanding was purely a matter of semantics. You raise some good questions which I would be happy to offer my opinion unless your questions are only rhetorical.

i;m not being rhetorical ..  ???... i;m asking honest questions..... i want to know if there really is solid Biblical teaching to support this or if it;s based on extra biblical teachings, and broad interpretations...  .. . and in truth i don;t really have a dog in this fight, personally, as they say.... ..  although i do give .. mostly to the homeless.... whenever i have the means to do it....  i am actually a charity case myself... .  no real income other than teaching archery lessons on occasion..... but otherwise totally supported by my adopted family....... without them i would be homeless myself or worse... ... but i do have an adopted brother is ifb and probably even ifbx in many ways compared to most other posters here... .  i have seen him give to his church to the point of putting himself and his family in financial difficulty.... and i have seen his church put the guilt trip on him for not being able to give more.. or do more along the lines of other things his church teaches..... .. 

godly people suffer all the time... they always have....  but other godly people never suffer at all and some even prosper.... . i think man makes a horrible when he tries to interpret the reasons for either of those conditions either way.... ...  like the friends of job they might have good intentions but in actuality have no idea why some suffer and others do not....... their actions and counsel often does more harm than good....

Your insight is clear and straight.  I would challenge anyone to go to a 3rd world country, like most parts of India, Sudan, Indonesia, etc, and examine the lives of the most faithful Christians there.  I would venture to say that their income/lifestyle/possessions is close to 10% of the average of anyone in the United States.  And how are you to say, Mr. Citadel, that there is a correlation.

The only correlation that you seemed to imply for about 2 sentences was that

I will say that if a person follows the leading of the Holy Spirit and gives accordingly, even it is to give all, then that person will not suffer for it, even if it appears to you and me that they are.

I would even question that. I know men who were faithful, and were tortured. I know of one personally who was the most godly man, the most faithful giver, both to church and the poor, who was tortured and most of his family killed in front of him.  HE SUFFERED.  I know. He told me of the internal anguish of soul.  And yet in the end, God gave him peace. 

My end statement is that you cannot determine how someone will be financially or healthwise by how much they give, even if it is given in the right spirit.  That is Health and Wealth Prosperity gospel, and it is HERESY.
Torrent v.3 said:
I would challenge anyone to go to a 3rd world country, like most parts of India, Sudan, Indonesia, etc, and examine the lives of the most faithful Christians there.  I would venture to say that their income/lifestyle/possessions is close to 10% of the average of anyone in the United States.  And how are you to say, Mr. Citadel, that there is a correlation.

I am confused as to what correlation I made regarding the poverty of third world countries and their faithfulness. I, too, have seen first-hand the superior dedication that many of these dear people have compared to those of us here in America.

I would even question that. I know men who were faithful, and were tortured. I know of one personally who was the most godly man, the most faithful giver, both to church and the poor, who was tortured and most of his family killed in front of him.  HE SUFFERED.  I know. He told me of the internal anguish of soul.  And yet in the end, God gave him peace.

Again, you are arguing points that I never made. I never implied that godly, faithful, giving Christians never suffer. I clearly expressed my belief that they indeed do suffer.

My end statement is that you cannot determine how someone will be financially or healthwise by how much they give, even if it is given in the right spirit.  That is Health and Wealth Prosperity gospel, and it is HERESY.

I agree; I cannot determine that. I'm very confused at how you arrived at these conclusions. If you're talking about the verses I posted, then your argument is with the Word of God, not me. If you feel that I have mishandled the Word of God and failed to rightly divided these scriptures, I'd be more than happy to listen to your point of view.