YMBAHI...You have written a touching poem to your basketball hoop.
The old men have seen visions.BCH, I am blessed by your current posts.
And they're not worth a red cent if the don't all include a tract.YMBAHI
Your whole church shows up to make boxed lunches to be sent to hurricane victums in the south.
This is worth every one reading...... and re reading.To truly define a Hacker it would take volumes. Here's the short version - A Hacker is not just someone who attended Hyles-Anderson College, though one must attend Hyles-Anderson to be a Hacker. A Hacker is a student who swallowed everything HAC, hook, line, and sinker. A Hacker lost common sense somewhere along the line. A Hacker's top accomplishment is to "turn in" anyone who isn't living up to full Hackerhood. A true Hacker carries his traits far past graduation. There is so much more to share, but I hope these simple words are a blessing as we seek to understand this unique creature.