Since it's October, anybody miss Lisa Ruby?

Still a lie.

No, whether the apparition was the real Samuel is the very point in question. By claiming he lied by impersoating Samuel, you're assuming what you have yet to prove. Your textbook petitio principii is blatant intellectual dishonesty, and is not only dismissed, with extreme prejudice.

What 'Samuel' actually said:

If your best argument is "because that's what the KJV translation says," your supposed "lie" is not only dismissed, but dismissed with a hearty horselaugh.
If your best argument is "because that's what the KJV translation says," your supposed "lie" is not only dismissed, but dismissed with a hearty horselaugh.
That's not my best argument by far. My best argument is that God is not going to harken to a witch, or in any way wink at the occult.

One knows neither the Scriptures nor the holiness of God to suggest He would.
No, show proof it wasn't Samuel as the text states, or shut the devil up and move on. I have nothing personal against you...just your stupidity! Christian love has nothing to do with correcting unbiblical stances such as the ones you have.
LOL. You presume that I'm bothered by your boorish baffoonery. I assure you, I am not. I hit back every now and then with eminently superior jabs just to show I can. If we were boxing, you'd be against the ropes with both eyes swollen shut and cauliflower growing out of both sides of your head. When it comes to ad hominem, I enjoy the sparring. I really do. I never deliver the KO.

"eKKK"? That's the best you can do? Call me a racist? A faggot? There's some class, right there.

You, Joe, are a witless, crass, and obscene boor. That's just a statement of fact. Your knowledge of the Scriptures is puerile, your reasoning is carnal.

Now Ransom is a worthy opponent. The guy has obvious learning. His posts are lucid, witty, and frankly, fun to read. When he gets his hooks into a malefactor, the hide comes off in one piece. Not bad for a Canadian. If you're going to take him on, you need to know your --it.

But you don't know your --it. You just have vague notions and feelings that kind of fit in here. You're just a cheerleader. "Rah! Rah!" "Boo! Boo!" That's the substance of anything I've seen you post. And like the cheerleader, comes to think she's actually an integral part of the team.

"Correcting unbiblical stances?" :LOL: You blonde!

Nothing personal. ;)
No, whether the apparition was the real Samuel is the very point in question. By claiming he lied by impersoating Samuel, you're assuming what you have yet to prove. Your textbook petitio principii is blatant intellectual dishonesty, and is not only dismissed, with extreme prejudice.

If your best argument is "because that's what the KJV translation says," your supposed "lie" is not only dismissed, but dismissed with a hearty horselaugh.

Don't you mean the sounds of a "Braying Ass?!"
LOL. You presume that I'm bothered by your boorish baffoonery. I assure you, I am not. I hit back every now and then with eminently superior jabs just to show I can. If we were boxing, you'd be against the ropes with both eyes swollen shut and cauliflower growing out of both sides of your head. When it comes to ad hominem, I enjoy the sparring. I really do. I never deliver the KO.

"eKKK"? That's the best you can do? Call me a racist? A faggot? There's some class, right there.

You, Joe, are a witless, crass, and obscene boor. That's just a statement of fact. Your knowledge of the Scriptures is puerile, your reasoning is carnal.

Now Ransom is a worthy opponent. The guy has obvious learning. His posts are lucid, witty, and frankly, fun to read. When he gets his hooks into a malefactor, the hide comes off in one piece. Not bad for a Canadian. If you're going to take him on, you need to know your --it.

But you don't know your --it. You just have vague notions and feelings that kind of fit in here. You're just a cheerleader. "Rah! Rah!" "Boo! Boo!" That's the substance of anything I've seen you post. And like the cheerleader, comes to think she's actually an integral part of the team.

"Correcting unbiblical stances?" :LOL: You blonde!

Nothing personal. ;)
LOL. You presume that I'm bothered by your boorish baffoonery. I assure you, I am not. I hit back every now and then with eminently superior jabs just to show I can. If we were boxing, you'd be against the ropes with both eyes swollen shut and cauliflower growing out of both sides of your head. When it comes to ad hominem, I enjoy the sparring. I really do. I never deliver the KO.

"eKKK"? That's the best you can do? Call me a racist? A faggot? There's some class, right there.

I've not "called" you ANYTHING...Period. Stop trying to play the martyr, because it won't work here!
You, Joe, are a witless, crass, and obscene boor. That's just a statement of fact. Your knowledge of the Scriptures is puerile, your reasoning is carnal.

Far from "crass" or obscene, and definitely not a boor. You couldn't hit a "fact" if it were sitting six inches in front of you. My knowledge of Scripture is far superior to yours, I can guarantee you that. And as for my reasoning, I think we all know it's far superior to the tripe you try to expound on this site!
Now Ransom is a worthy opponent. The guy has obvious learning. His posts are lucid, witty, and frankly, fun to read. When he gets his hooks into a malefactor, the hide comes off in one piece. Not bad for a Canadian. If you're going to take him on, you need to know your --it.

Ransom/Scott and I have had our "go-arounds" both here and on the old FFF. Just because I CHOOSE not to be "witty" doesn't mean I can't be. I just choose not to show all of me here, as some do. So, stow it, mule!
But you don't know your --it. You just have vague notions and feelings that kind of fit in here. You're just a cheerleader. "Rah! Rah!" "Boo! Boo!" That's the substance of anything I've seen you post. And like the cheerleader, comes to think she's actually an integral part of the team.

As my old pal Bugs Bunny would say, "It is to laugh!" Your assessment is amusing, "donkey."
"Correcting unbiblical stances?" :LOL: You blonde!

I've never been a blonde, nor shall I ever be. You, on the other hand, are probably a bald, wrinkled dimwit from Michigan. ;) You've certainly got the attitude of the frozen-brained knotheads I've known from there.
Nothing personal. ;)

Even if it were, do you think I'd mind? Hardly.
LOL. You presume that I'm bothered by your boorish baffoonery. I assure you, I am not. I hit back every now and then with eminently superior jabs just to show I can. If we were boxing, you'd be against the ropes with both eyes swollen shut and cauliflower growing out of both sides of your head. When it comes to ad hominem, I enjoy the sparring. I really do. I never deliver the KO.

"eKKK"? That's the best you can do? Call me a racist? A faggot? There's some class, right there.

You, Joe, are a witless, crass, and obscene boor. That's just a statement of fact. Your knowledge of the Scriptures is puerile, your reasoning is carnal.

Now Ransom is a worthy opponent. The guy has obvious learning. His posts are lucid, witty, and frankly, fun to read. When he gets his hooks into a malefactor, the hide comes off in one piece. Not bad for a Canadian. If you're going to take him on, you need to know your --it.

But you don't know your --it. You just have vague notions and feelings that kind of fit in here. You're just a cheerleader. "Rah! Rah!" "Boo! Boo!" That's the substance of anything I've seen you post. And like the cheerleader, comes to think she's actually an integral part of the team.

"Correcting unbiblical stances?" :LOL: You blonde!

Nothing personal. ;)
Bwahahahaha. What a friggin idiot.
Ransom/Scott and I have had our "go-arounds" both here and on the old FFF. Just because I CHOOSE not to be "witty" doesn't mean I can't be. I just choose not to show all of me here, as some do. So, stow it, mule!

You do hide your expertise well, I'll give you that. 👍
I am balding, no doubt. And, taking Ageless Male, salute most mornings.

The woman I am dating would fill your wives' hearts with doubt and fear.
Why? Is she that danged ugly? With all the strange posts about cellmates, underwear, and the rest...we can't help but wonder if your woman isn't named "John." ;)
Why? Is she that danged ugly? With all the strange posts about cellmates, underwear, and the rest...we can't help but wonder if your woman isn't named "John." ;)
You're wife would be worried about someone named John?

What are you hiding, Witless Joe?
Btw, I can play this all day, if this is the type of interaction preferred here.
You seem to enjoy this kind of thing talking about cellmates, underwear, etc. Seems your "preference," not ours. Yeee hawww!!!!