[quote author=Biblebeliever]And these emergent church leaders do not like the fact that God gave us His Book and that it is the Final Authority...And he obviously does not believe that the Bible is the sole Final Authority for all matters of faith and practice...And from what she said there, it is clear that she does not believe that the Holy Bible is the sole Final Authority...So what these Emergent Church leaders are doing Scott, is they are questioning the Final Authority of Scripture...To conclude, as you can see from the evidence shared here, the Emergent Church (Emerging Church) Movement is seeking to undermine the important Biblical Foundation of Scripture as our only Final Authority...
So the main theme of this emergence is that there is:
1) No Final Authority...[/quote]
sole ≠ final
And the Bible is definitely not our sole authority. Depending on your nuance, it's not even our final authority. As a blanket statement, I would say it is definitely
not our final authority.
[quote author=Biblebeliever]Now in that list, he mentions other things that he considers himself to be, but I just wanted to highlight the ones that clearly shows that he is pro-Catholic...Also Scott, I want to share with you a segment of a video here which exposes Phyllis Tickle for the pro Catholic agent that she is...After they do that, then they seek to remove the necessary and biblical division and separation between Christians and Catholics. ..
So the main theme of this emergence is that there is:
2) No longer a division and separation between Christians and Catholics...[/quote]
Many Catholics are Christians, just like many Lutherans are and many Baptists are. There is less spiritual division among Christian Catholics and Baptists than there is between Christian and non-Christian Baptists.
[quote author=Biblebeliever]So the main theme of this emergence is that there is:
3) An all inclusive Gospel.[/quote]
For God so loved the world...
[quote author=Biblebeliever]And like the Charismatic movement has done and still does, the the emerging church also promotes and puts an emphasis on personal experience while seeking to diminish Biblical Sufficiency...[/quote]
Both/and, not either/or.
[quote author=Biblebeliever]Biblical Sufficiency is the Bible Doctrine that Scripture alone can provide for every spiritual need ( 2 Timothy 3:16-17).[/quote]
Absolutely not, and that's not even close to what that verse says.
In fact, this goes right along with your statements about Scripture being our final authority. You have explicitly elevated Scripture to the place of God Himself. It's idolatry.
[quote author=Biblebeliever]And you can see that this Emergent Church type philosophy blends well with the Ecumenical movement that seeks to unify people at the expense of the truth. That's why 9 times out of the 10, you won't hear these people discussing Bible Doctrine. Why? Because they do not want to divide over Doctrine. [/quote]
Have you read anything by any of the people you've quoted? I don't mean excerpts from some website, but the actual books? I disagree a significant portion of what they teach, but this statement here is absolutely false.
[quote author=Biblebeliever]According to McClaren, he feels that Christianity needs to change with the culture and times. [/quote]
In some sense, he's absolutely right. In another, absolutely wrong.
[quote author=Biblebeliever]Instead of holding to the true Biblical Gospel where Jesus Christ is the only way to God the Father in Heaven (John 14:6, Acts 4:12, and 1 John 5:12). These emerging church leaders have changed and perverted the true Gospel into a seeker sensitive gospel. A universal gospel that is all inclusive of other people's faiths and beliefs.[/quote]
I'm no expert. Izzy might be able to correct me here, but I believe that many emergents teach that truth can be found in all faith systems although only one faith system is true. And, if this is the case, they are right.
[quote author=Biblebeliever]And Biblical Separation; which was once practiced among the majority of born again Christians, is now being diminished by this ecumenical, emerging church movement. In fact, when was the last time anyone in here has heard a sermon preached on Biblical Separation? [/quote]
I would imagine that your definition of Biblical Separation would look a lot different than mine would.