
As far as Lapina.....I guess it depends on what parent you want to believe. The parent on page 14 who said that "Our entire family has been banned from FBC" or the parent on page 15 who said that Eddie advised them "that it was best we did not not go back to church for our safety".  I do not understand why the parents were even allowing Eddie to communicate with them after he lied to members on Sunday after the photos were discovered.  Kind of wish he would have popped Eddie in the nose a few times.

I guess both quotes go hand in hand with each other.  I have seen church members in a like -minded IFB church been escorted off the property for questioning the MOG during a scandal, and how the victim of the scandal was escorted off the property as well.  As a matter of fact, I'm living under a 5 year curse of death from the "man of God" for speaking out against his sin-the curse does not expire til 7-4-2016.  Every day, I have to look out my door before leaving to see if the she-bears are going to get me. John Hamblin stated at my son's high school graduation in his speech May 2011, that the embalming fluid of the mortician will be filling the veins of those that speak out against the man of God. Nothing Hyles-inspired preachers and/or staff members do to protect their livelihoods surprises me.  I hope the victim and her family are successful in their lawsuit.......assuming that is still going on.
Don't you think sometimes mog say things they don't take back...please don't walk under or near a ladder...I've never looked at preachers as God... I couldn't sit under that leadership....
Sherryh said:
Don't you think sometimes mog say things they don't take back...please don't walk under or near a ladder...I've never looked at preachers as God... I couldn't sit under that leadership....

I avoid ladders, black cats, opening my umbrella inside my house, etc. Funny thing about the mog and their power of life and death over their members, shortly after attending the church I go to now, the pastor came to my house to visit-I told him about the curse I was under from my previous mog-instead of saying don't worry about that, to my surprise, he said"oh that is true"  He went on to tell me a story of a church member that opposed the church buying or taking a mortgage out for the preacher's new house-the member stated you will move into that house over my dead body...yep, he died shortly afterwards. I was like thinking to myself, gee wiz preacher, thanks for the encouragement, what are you guys, Sith Lords??. It appears to me to be safer to avoid these MOG's than be under their shepherdship.
Sherryh said:
Don't you think sometimes mog say things they don't take back...please don't walk under or near a ladder...I've never looked at preachers as God... I couldn't sit under that leadership....

Personally, I think it is a pride issue. You can find many pastors that are in good IFB churches across America that are humble, SLG's pastor and Tom come to mind, along with many others. But pride prevents the other kind from taking statements back. The communion issue, KJV issue and other statements that Schaap put out there and never took back. The guy held a summit that felt like I was watching he and his staff nail jello to the wall.  The arrogance he had in deacons' meetings and how he would tell the deacons "I've got this" when questioned about finances.  That pride made him think he could get away with anything and it was his downfall. He was a friend, coworker, and boss, but arrogant as all get out.
Yes, but in this instance both sides would use it to their advantage. Schaap's supporters will say, "See, I told you she was a...." while the other side will say, "How dare you further victimize this poor innocent angel...." it is a lose-lose situation.

Luckily, most of us have the advantage of looking at it from outside the entanglements of both parties.
No matter what ANYONE says, that underage girl was a victim!
What would any of you have done if it were your daughter? I would’ve left in a public fashion, pressed charges and seen him in court if I could’ve prevented myself from killing him first! Most of the higher up men back then were just lascivious, lecherous, middle aged crazies who were looking for an innocent. I was there and was not blind to these men. I was warning sweet young things everywhere I went!
No matter what ANYONE says, that underage girl was a victim!...
What would any of you have done if it were your daughter? I would’ve left in a public fashion, pressed charges and seen him in court if I could’ve prevented myself from killing him first! Most of the higher up men back then were just lascivious, lecherous, middle aged crazies who were looking for an innocent. I was there and was not blind to these men. I was warning sweet young things everywhere I went!
that one probably wouldn;t care even if it was his daughter... .. you have go back 20 years on the fff to find someone so afflicted with empathy deficit disorder as he is... . ...the words "i don;t care" should probably be his motto if it;s not already... ..