Public nudity is never condemned in the Bible or by Jesus, so would do Christians condemn it

i saw a man wearing shorts in church only once.... on the mainland when i was visiting family - and i attended church with them one sunday.... ..... it was in the sunday school class where i saw this guy and where everyone was seated in chairs in a circle.. ....he was actually what they called one of the church "worship leaders"... (first time i had ever heard the phrase).... he had on khaki shorts and a light blue t-shirt - which was tucked in... new balance running shoes... and a hat worn backwards which he kept on the entire time.... the usual breaking bad style goatee that was trendy at the time.... and since he kept the hat on i had no idea whether there was hair on his head or not.... but it would not have surprised me to see a shaved head if he had taken it off.... ...he also had enough hair on his legs to more than make up the difference had there been a lack of hair on his head so i guess that was his trade off....:confused:

the point is - that guys appearance was such a distraction that i don;t even remember what the sunday school lesson was about.. - in many ways it was disturbing.... would have been different.. maybe even ok... if he was just another member of the class.. and i didn;t feel as if i had to look at him while he spoke... it was almost a relief when they had a round robin time at the end where everyone spoke up to say something - and i had an excuse to look away... ...

to me it was a classic example of at least one of the things paul was admonishing against in 2nd timothy...... refraining from allowing your appearance to become a distraction in church...and being mindful of your actions as well... . in the tropics and attending churches that are not air conditioned i know all too well that appearance and actions are not the only things about a person that can become a distraction in church.... .....those who never realized right guard goes under the left arm too can be a bigger distraction than all appearances put together.... but paul was a man and no doubt had a mans limited nose sensitivity... so he probably didn;t notice things like that..... (sorry - no offense intended to any men reading this..😬...)

we had cultish groups here before... mostly on the previous forums - and they were definitely here to recruit..... some of them called themselves christian polygamists... ..and not even the mormon kind either... . they claimed polygamy should be acceptable even to baptists too.... . one of the more notorious and infamous polygamists - whose name i will not mention because it always causes him to pop up somehow - even insisted it should be acceptable for a grown man to marry a 12 year old..... as far as i know he was never banned.... but thankfully he moved on to other websites....

there was even a group of klansmen here once trying to recruit new members.... i rmember the name of one of them too... but these kinds of people in these perverse and repugnant groups do more than just recruit... they constantly search the internet to see where someone else might be talking about them... and they go to those places to join in and start new fights..... ...previously famous preachers who fell into sin do the same thing... but they seldom show up under their own name... they usually pop in under a new moniker and go straight in to defending themselves as if they are a third party or "insider" to the church in question....
It’s also possible that some of those individuals you referenced are law enforcement agents doing some sweeps online for evidence of extremists and perverts. Dollars to donuts….
It’s also possible that some of those individuals you referenced are law enforcement agents doing some sweeps online for evidence of extremists and perverts. Dollars to donuts….
LOL... did you really just say "law enforcement" and "donuts" in the same phrase?....:LOL:. ..(at least you didn;t say police).... ;) ..... j/k... i know what you mean... and i agree... . it is possible they could have been doing that.... in fact i;m sure it has been done here a few times over the years..... . it;s being done every day at many other places around the internet... ...but either way they got labelled as extremists and perverts themselves during the time they were here.... and were not too happy about that either....
So…my question still remains: are these Christian nudists technically a cult or just weird, fringe people fixating on no clothing?
So…my question still remains: are these Christian nudists technically a cult or just weird, fringe people fixating on no clothing?
My guess is B. If there is a "church", it must be a very loosely organized one; almost Unitarian in structure and "doctrine".

Reminds me of a "Cowboy church" in this valley existed. Their slogan was, "No doctrine, No sermons." Now for the record, Pendleton OR had a very good Cowboy Church around that time.... they were a ministry that was especially active during the Roundup each year.

Makes me wonder, if there was an IFB version of a "naturist church" would they still expect men to wear a tie?
My guess is B. If there is a "church", it must be a very loosely organized one; almost Unitarian in structure and "doctrine".
Oddly, I would have thought the exact opposite.
Makes me wonder, if there was an IFB version of a "naturist church" would they still expect men to wear a tie?
Of course! 😂
the verse is referring to the expense of the clothing. Please read it in context with the rest of the verse.
If nudity is such a big NONO then why is it not mentioned in any list of sins?
Why don't you go visit the president with no clothes on. See how far you get.
So…my question still remains: are these Christian nudists technically a cult or just weird, fringe people fixating on no clothing?
They're not mutually exclusive.

Cult, not in the sense of an organized, deviant religious sect like the JWs, but in the sense of something like, say, KJV_onlyism: devotion to a particular idea or person.

My guess is that because of their devotion to a fringe belief, they've alienated themselves from the local church and formed some sort of loose "fellowship" with each other for support, and the fringe belief is now the main thing. As we've observed, they're actively evangelistic. Us straitlaced Christians who keep our clothes on in company are the mission field.
They're not mutually exclusive.

Cult, not in the sense of an organized, deviant religious sect like the JWs, but in the sense of something like, say, KJV_onlyism: devotion to a particular idea or person.

My guess is that because of their devotion to a fringe belief, they've alienated themselves from the local church and formed some sort of loose "fellowship" with each other for support, and the fringe belief is now the main thing. As we've observed, they're actively evangelistic. Us straitlaced Christians who keep our clothes on in company are the mission field.
It seems like they fit the bill, at least according to the dictionary definition: Britannica Dictionary definition of CULT. [count] 1. : a small religious group that is not part of a larger and more accepted religion and that has beliefs regarded by many people as extreme or dangerous.
I don't think that couple, U2, was a member of ANY church or cult. I also don't believe they were baptized nude. I think it was just someone playing with this forum - to get a rise out of the posters here.