Public nudity is never condemned in the Bible or by Jesus, so would do Christians condemn it

Her purposes, here, were not about 1 Timothy or the Bible at all. She posted a pic then talked about her body in an appropriate way.

Lust is a two-way street. Unfortunately, she was too eager to show off her body and talk about it inappropriately. Lust has a grasp on her.
Which is why I'm wondering why we're wasting time trying to reason with her. She obviously has an agenda and her whole purpose is to push it off on folks she knows it will offend. In her lust, (a very apt description) she obviously gets her jollies flaunting her perversion before those who don't share her perverted point of view then she tries to impugn us for our standards by using the very source of our standards. If that is not a work of Satan, I don't know what is.

There is a point where we as believers ought to bear with unbelievers with the hope of winning them over but I doubt this is one of those cases.
Which is why I'm wondering why we're wasting time trying to reason with her. She obviously has an agenda and her whole purpose is to push it off on folks she knows it will offend. In her lust, (a very apt description) she obviously gets her jollies flaunting her perversion before those who don't share her perverted point of view then she tries to impugn us for our standards by using the very source of our standards. If that is not a work of Satan, I don't know what is.

There is a point where we as believers ought to bear with unbelievers with the hope of winning them over but I doubt this is one of those cases.
All she had to do was discuss the issue without posting pictures, but she can’t seem to do one without the other.
All she had to do was discuss the issue without posting pictures, but she can’t seem to do one without the other.
That is because discussing the issue was never her intention. She is an exhibitionist. She gets the same tweak from coming to this forum and posting pictures as a porn addict gets from visiting porn sites.
She obviously has an agenda and her whole purpose is to push it off on folks she knows it will offend.
It's more than just giving offence, of course. In law, unsolicited nude pictures sent without consent are a form of sexual harassment, and hence criminal activity. And yet our exhibitionist friend seems to think imposing herself on the forum without our consent is a good way to start a conversation, supposedly.
It's more than just giving offence, of course. In law, unsolicited nude pictures sent without consent are a form of sexual harassment, and hence criminal activity. And yet our exhibitionist friend seems to think imposing herself on the forum without our consent is a good way to start a conversation, supposedly.
One wonders why she chooses this forum. My thinking is one of two reasons: 1, we represent the most extreme opposite of her position, therefore, she gets the most "reward" for her behavior. 2, she's under intense conviction from the Holy Spirit and in desperation, she seeks to impose herself on folks like us as if to seek validation. Sin and conviction make people do weird things.
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I’m willing to concede she could be genuine in her search for a discussion on the issue with Christians, but she doesn’t need to show her jugs to get her point across.
thanks for the reply HukNduck.
So if the laws of the land allow it and the Bible does not condemn it, then we should be able to go anywhere naked (within reason)
I think the Bible is CLEAR....God made clothes after man fell...sorry...but, aren't you the ones who tried this stuff a few months ago and were kicked off here? Maybe you should study your Bible more and stop spreading your ideology less...especially on CHRISTIAN boards.
I think us 2 has been eliminated from this forum.

Allow me to ponder for a bit...

As I have posted earlier, people like us 2 exhibit themselves because it gives them a tweak to do so. It is a sexual addiction. The brain is the largest and most active sex organ in our bodies. It is the organ that produces the rewards for carrying out various activities.

[There is a whole spiritual and theological side to this and I tried to address it but that got messy so I erased it.]

Why do some become fixated on carrying out perverse sexual activities for a tweak? I don't want to completely absolve anyone by saying they are a product of their upbringing but clearly, those who are abused or inappropriately introduced to explicit material have had a stumbling block put in front of them. Those who have been stumbled can either recognize they have been tripped up or they can wallow in the filth they have stumbled into.

Not every perverse person is a victim of abuse. Some have come into their perversion on their own. But I dare say that those who are young and practicing perversion are doing so because it's what they were taught. They are then set up for a life of struggling with it or just giving into it with abandon.

Where does us 2 fit into this? I don't even pretend to know. However, we have to set limits and say, "You aren't bringing your perversion here." which is what has been done in this case. We can't negotiate nor argue with someone who is bent on trying to get us to validate their perversion. All we can do is block them out and pray that the Holy Spirit will break down their hearts.

Thanks for letting me vent.
I think us 2 has been eliminated from this forum.

Allow me to ponder for a bit...

As I have posted earlier, people like us 2 exhibit themselves because it gives them a tweak to do so. It is a sexual addiction. The brain is the largest and most active sex organ in our bodies. It is the organ that produces the rewards for carrying out various activities.

[There is a whole spiritual and theological side to this and I tried to address it but that got messy so I erased it.]

Why do some become fixated on carrying out perverse sexual activities for a tweak? I don't want to completely absolve anyone by saying they are a product of their upbringing but clearly, those who are abused or inappropriately introduced to explicit material have had a stumbling block put in front of them. Those who have been stumbled can either recognize they have been tripped up or they can wallow in the filth they have stumbled into.

Not every perverse person is a victim of abuse. Some have come into their perversion on their own. But I dare say that those who are young and practicing perversion are doing so because it's what they were taught. They are then set up for a life of struggling with it or just giving into it with abandon.

Where does us 2 fit into this? I don't even pretend to know. However, we have to set limits and say, "You aren't bringing your perversion here." which is what has been done in this case. We can't negotiate nor argue with someone who is bent on trying to get us to validate their perversion. All we can do is block them out and pray that the Holy Spirit will break down their hearts.

Thanks for letting me vent.

I think all of that has pertinence for the discussion, but as voicecrying alluded to earlier, the most relevant facts that we actually do know about their interactions here is that it ain't their first rodeo. The very fact that they were booted off the forum for inappropriate/explicit pics not long ago, only to return with the same m.o., goes to show the level of their hubris in disregarding the audience's sensitivity. There are plenty of things that I am often tempted to contribute here in the FFF that I suppress because I don't think that it is appropriate to the audience at hand. That's simply a matter of prudence and respect. The couple (or whoever it is) has shown they want to push their agenda regardless of respect of other people's sincerely held conscientious sensitivities as well as flouting the forum owner's clearly defined terms of participation. For that reason, they don't deserve the respect or privilege of participation here.
I’m willing to concede she could be genuine in her search for a discussion on the issue with Christians, but she doesn’t need to show her jugs to get her point across.
by the time i saw this thread the pictures had already been taken down... but there was still plenty to see just in what us 2 wrote that raised red flags......

us2 claimed to be born again christians..... yet they said they were baptized naked and apparently still celebrating their nudist society beliefs.... 🤨... that stood out as very troubling to me. ........ .. none of us are perfect beings but salvation by grace through faith in Christ changes people.. from the very start... ..their lives are never the same again.... ..but us2 seems to be among those who view being a "born again christian" as just another title to add to their life experience resume - without making any changes in their life at all..... :unsure:..

and it has already been pointed out that it was God who clothed adam and eve after they had committed sin and lost their innocence in the garden of the eden.... much of them God clothed we don;t really know.... but we can guess that those parts of them which were different from each other would have certainly been among those covered..... ..shame had already caused adam and eve to attempt to cover themselves with leaves .....

the fact that people like us2 can advocate walking around anywhere and everywhere with those parts completely exposed indicates a lack of shame more associated with pagan societies - drunken flood survivors living in caves - and cannibals of the congo... (to quote lee ermy :sneaky:).... but which has never been associated with christianity or accepted by sober minded christians... ..not even with adam and eve after the first time they saw who they really were in the garden....

that was just a couple of the things i saw that were wrong.... but i also had the first impression that us2 was nothing but a troll trying to stir up controversy for amusement.... i still think that;s a possibility... ... and it should always raise suspicions when a new poster joins up and starts right in with their very first post pushing something they are obsessed with.... no matter what that obsession is related to.... but when the obsession is flagrantly anti-scriptural they should turned around and kicked back out the same day....
I think us 2 has been eliminated from this forum.

Allow me to ponder for a bit...

As I have posted earlier, people like us 2 exhibit themselves because it gives them a tweak to do so. It is a sexual addiction. The brain is the largest and most active sex organ in our bodies. It is the organ that produces the rewards for carrying out various activities.

[There is a whole spiritual and theological side to this and I tried to address it but that got messy so I erased it.]

Why do some become fixated on carrying out perverse sexual activities for a tweak? I don't want to completely absolve anyone by saying they are a product of their upbringing but clearly, those who are abused or inappropriately introduced to explicit material have had a stumbling block put in front of them. Those who have been stumbled can either recognize they have been tripped up or they can wallow in the filth they have stumbled into.

Not every perverse person is a victim of abuse. Some have come into their perversion on their own. But I dare say that those who are young and practicing perversion are doing so because it's what they were taught. They are then set up for a life of struggling with it or just giving into it with abandon.

Where does us 2 fit into this? I don't even pretend to know. However, we have to set limits and say, "You aren't bringing your perversion here." which is what has been done in this case. We can't negotiate nor argue with someone who is bent on trying to get us to validate their perversion. All we can do is block them out and pray that the Holy Spirit will break down their hearts.

Thanks for letting me vent.
very well said.... i was raised in that world for the first 9 years of my life... 10 if you count the year i lived with my natural sister here who worked in that trade....;s hard to describe what that leaves you with, ...even many years after being saved and following Christ - temptation never fully goes away... ...but one of the first things i learned as a new christian just before i turned 9 is that i had a choice to give in to it or to turn it over to God.... and along with that came the understanding that while some things could still be forced on me for a time.. promotion and open acceptance of such things and all those related to that world and lifestyle, could not be... and willingly going along with it was hideous... a betrayal of Christ and a turning back from everything He had done for me... becoming the one God turned over to a reprobate mind spoken of in romans 1-28 .... far beyond simply having a temptation to sin but going forward with the belief that the sin is not sin at all.... but something to be promoted and celebrated..... our world today seems overtaken with people like that...
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by the time i saw this thread the pictures had already been taken down... but there was still plenty to see just in what us 2 wrote that raised red flags......

us2 claimed to be born again christians..... yet they said they were baptized naked and apparently still celebrating their nudist society beliefs.... 🤨... that stood out as very troubling to me. ........ .. none of us are perfect beings but salvation by grace through faith in Christ changes people.. from the very start... ..their lives are never the same again.... ..but us2 seems to be among those who view being a "born again christian" as just another title to add to their life experience resume - without making any changes in their life at all..... :unsure:..

and it has already been pointed out that it was God who clothed adam and eve after they had committed sin and lost their innocence in the garden of the eden.... much of them God clothed we don;t really know.... but we can guess that those parts of them which were different from each other would have certainly been among those covered..... ..shame had already caused adam and eve to attempt to cover themselves with leaves .....

the fact that people like us2 can advocate walking around anywhere and everywhere with those parts completely exposed indicates a lack of shame more associated with pagan societies - drunken flood survivors living in caves - and cannibals of the congo... (to quote lee ermy :sneaky:).... but which has never been associated with christianity or accepted by sober minded christians... ..not even with adam and eve after the first time they saw who they really were in the garden....

that was just a couple of the things i saw that were wrong.... but i also had the first impression that us2 was nothing but a troll trying to stir up controversy for amusement.... i still think that;s a possibility... ... and it should always raise suspicions when a new poster joins up and starts right in with their very first post pushing something they are obsessed with.... no matter what that obsession is related to.... but when the obsession is flagrantly anti-scriptural they should turned around and kicked back out the same day....
I think it’s still possible (maybe probable), that it’s not even a woman, just some dude posing as one. Of course I have no way to prove my hunch on this one.
I think it’s still possible (maybe probable), that it’s not even a woman, just some dude posing as one. Of course I have no way to prove my hunch on this one.
Yup. Only thing we can do is take what he/she says at face value.

Either way, it's very evident that what they were doing was trying to bring their pervsion on us for their own thrill. Ransom said the posting such stuff is legally classified as sexual harassment. Those who ended up being faced with the posted picture was a victim.