Public nudity is never condemned in the Bible or by Jesus, so would do Christians condemn it

This is not a clothing optional forum. Nor is it a forum designed for silly women to flaunt their cleavage.

Sadly, you are not here to discuss Scripture on the topic as you totally ignored 1 Timothy and prefer to argue for your own flaunting.
that is because you need to take all verses in context. If you read it in contest, it says nothing about nudity. It is referring to the Christian women at the time who were dressing in expensive hair styles, clothing and jewels to show off their wealth and importance.
It uses the word "dress," which does include covering. Its not limited to wealth but also framed by the word "modesty."

THAT is in the context.
It uses the word "dress," which does include covering. Its not limited to wealth but also framed by the word "modesty."

THAT is in the context.
the verse is referring to the expense of the clothing. Please read it in context with the rest of the verse.
If nudity is such a big NONO then why is it not mentioned in any list of sins?
Paul says to DRESS and explains that doing so involves "modesty, decency and propriety." He then explains that does also involve not flaunting wealth.

Lust (among other terms) are certainly among the many sins.

Why did you post a picture flaunting your breasts in an expensive dress?
Paul says to DRESS and explains that doing so involves "modesty, decency and propriety." He then explains that does also involve not flaunting wealth.

Lust (among other terms) are certainly among the many sins.

Why did you post a picture flaunting your breasts in an expensive dress?
thanks for the complement on the dress but honestly it was very inexpensive, that is why I bought it.
lust has nothing to do with being a nudist. honestly, [unnecessary: edit by admin] he is going to lust not matter what i am wearing.
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Since you are obviously only interested in showing off your body and talking about it in a very crude way... off the forum you must go.
God did make the human body and depending on the person, it can be beautiful BUT it was God, HIMSELF that clothed Adam and Eve once they had eaten of the tree. If He intended for them to be naked, why would He do that? That inimates that He did not intend for His creation to walk around naked. In fact, it was after their eyes were opened that they realized they were naked and attempted to clothe themselves. Nature itself, told them not to be naked.

I beleive you are just playing with us. You already know that it isn't the thing to be walking around naked as endowed as you are. No one has to tell you that.
thanks for the complement on the dress but honestly it was very inexpensive, that is why I bought it.
lust has nothing to do with being a nudist. honestly, [unnecessary: edit by admin] he is going to lust not matter what i am wearing.
Just discuss the topic without posting any pictures of yourself. It’s not complicated! Sheesh
funny you should say that because my husband and I were both naked at our baptism
Bwahahahahaha! I'll bet that was an interesting sermon! :ROFLMAO:

I wish Ransom would get involved in this thread. I'm not as witty as he is. Would love to see some of his quips!

Your assertions so far are unencumbered by even an elementary knowledge of the Scriptures. Since the Scriptures are our only source of knowledge of Christ and His work of Redemption, it's clear that you haven't taken His yoke upon you to learn of Him.

So it would be hard for me (no pun intended) to accept that one can be a Christian and a nudist.
Bwahahahahaha! I'll bet that was an interesting sermon! :ROFLMAO:

I wish Ransom would get involved in this thread. I'm not as witty as he is. Would love to see some of his quips!

Your assertions so far are unencumbered by even an elementary knowledge of the Scriptures. Since the Scriptures are our only source of knowledge of Christ and His work of Redemption, it's clear that you haven't taken His yoke upon you to learn of Him.

So it would be hard for me (no pun intended) to accept that one can be a Christian and a nudist.
She was on here a couple months ago posting fully nude (waist up).
that is because you need to take all verses in context. If you read it in contest, it says nothing about nudity. It is referring to the Christian women at the time who were dressing in expensive hair styles, clothing and jewels to show off their wealth and importance.
LOL. You mean the context of your imagination. Women must be covered in a reverent manner with modest apparel.

Doesn't get much more basic.
Sincere question: Why do you want to be naked in public? Personally, I wouldn’t want to be, and not because I have a bad body or self image issues. It just seems strange. Plus, I really like having pockets 😎
and there is the issue of sanitation as well..... i can;t speak for others but i know i would not want to sit down on a park bench where someone else... without a stitch of clothing on.. had their posterior planted... ...
When Adam and Eve ate of the fruit they immediately realized they were naked and understood they should be clothed and were ashamed.

Why did God make them clothes if he intended for man to remain naked.
I think it is a disgrace to God to hide the body He has given me.
Would you cover a valuable gift from a friend with a rag?
biker?.... is that you?...... ... (or should i say - bikers wife?).... ..... but actually that might not be fair.... i don;t think even biker would have advocated going around skyclad in all places at all times.... 🤨

i live in hawaii.. and have no problem with way people dress here...... and i have argued on this forum for years that fundamentalists have gone overboard misinterpreting and even abusing 1st timothy 2-9 for their own purposes...... .. but leave it to people like you to come in here and cause me to take the fundamentalist side....:cautious:

wonders never cease...... :rolleyes:
To be honest, I bet that’s not even a woman posting the picture. It’s probably some dude posing as her.
Her purposes, here, were not about 1 Timothy or the Bible at all. She posted a pic then talked about her body in an appropriate way.

Lust is a two-way street. Unfortunately, she was too eager to show off her body and talk about it inappropriately. Lust has a grasp on her.