President Jimmy Carter

We had this discussion a few months back when Trump was criticizing states like Florida and Arizona for passing more restrictive abortion laws. No one believes he's a pro-life stalwart.

Carter, to his credit, stood firm on the Hyde Amendment and never repudiated it. But his 1976 campaign promised to do nothing about Roe. In the he last three elections, Carter endorsed Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris, all of whom are cheerleaders for federally-funded abortion on demand. His actions spoke louder than his personal convictions.
I understand your position and I don’t necessarily disagree. He was always pretty transparent about his feelings on the abortion issue and what he felt his legal obligation was as president with Roe v. Wade. I can say in his post-presidential career, he did little to accentuate his feelings on the subject and make an attempt to use his platform to help eradicate it, when he could have. I can’t speak for the reasons why, but I still feel that it’s disingenuous for someone to say that he was pro-abortion based solely on his hesitancy to be more vocal on the issue. I know in my own line of work, I’ve had a few occasions when I’ve been instructed by upper management/ownership to hire someone I felt was not a proper fit (usually a case of nepotism), and I’ve also been instructed to terminate people whom I felt had not received proper due process. It sucks, but in my capacity as an employee, I’ve had to go against what I felt was wrong vs right. My situation is minuscule, but I imagine that’s how he might have felt. I’m sure the same is true with officers in the military who receive commands that they disagree with, but have a duty of carrying out orders.
I actually don’t have a problem considering myself a 20th century type of liberal. I definitely do not consider myself a 21st century type of liberal. If I am, I’m not doing a very good job considering I voted for Trump three times!
Carter was supposed to be a Christian who presumably stood for said principles. Again I don’t know his spiritual condition but he was a lousy President based on lousy policy.
Carter was supposed to be a Christian who presumably stood for said principles. Again I don’t know his spiritual condition but he was a lousy President based on lousy policy.
What does one have to do with the other? By all accounts, Trump is a lousy, foul-mouthed Christian (maybe), but he’s been a good president with good policies.
What does one have to do with the other? By all accounts, Trump is a lousy, foul-mouthed Christian (maybe), but he’s been a good president with good policies.
PERSONALLY, I do not see anything in Trump that would lead me to believe that he is a Bible Christian. Jimmy Carter on the other hand wore the label on his proverbial sleeve. I was an initial supporter of Carter but was disappointed by his politics snd his public persona as a Christian.
PERSONALLY, I do not see anything in Trump that would lead me to believe that he is a Bible Christian. Jimmy Carter on the other hand wore the label on his proverbial sleeve. I was an initial supporter of Carter but was disappointed by his politics snd his public persona as a Christian.
Fair enough.
You’re being a little disingenuous with your last statement. I’m not a supporter of abortion, but the “coming out of womb” abortion line has been proven to be not true:

Now, that being said, I’m sure if all of you do deep enough google searches you can locate a Democratic politician who does support infanticide,
No need to do Internet deep dives...just need to watch the headlines. The Dems, as a whole, are infanticidal.

PERSONALLY, I do not see anything in Trump that would lead me to believe that he is a Bible Christian. Jimmy Carter on the other hand wore the label on his proverbial sleeve. I was an initial supporter of Carter but was disappointed by his politics snd his public persona as a Christian.
I would agree with this 100%. Trump may or may not be saved, but he in no way lives the life or testimony of a born again christian.

Carter was misguided on much of his policy to include being pro abortion and supporting it. Thats being said I believe he was saved and was a moral and ethical man who believe he was doing the right thing. He lived a life of service caring for others.
Carter was misguided on much of his policy to include being pro abortion and supporting it. Thats being said I believe he was saved and was a moral and ethical man who believe he was doing the right thing. He lived a life of service caring for others.
Either way, it can be said he's a believer now.

Being born again is not a guarantee of effective or competent leadership.
Carter was misguided on much of his policy to include being pro abortion and supporting it.
Not true. His party has a history of supporting abortion, so maybe by default he supported it, but he signed the Hyde Amendment to actually restrict abortion while president. There’s plenty of videos evidence of him saying he was never comfortable supporting abortion as a Christian (including in this thread).
Not true. His party has a history of supporting abortion, so maybe by default he supported it, but he signed the Hyde Amendment to actually restrict abortion while president. There’s plenty of videos evidence of him saying he was never comfortable supporting abortion as a Christian (including in this thread).
I always wondered if he disagreed on some of the policies he supported because of his party position.

You may be on to something.
I always wondered if he disagreed on some of the policies he supported because of his party position.
"Well, it was my party's position..." Isn't going to hold any water in the judgement. It's an even weaker excuse than the "I was following orders" defense offered in Nuremberg.