Jack Schapp books

Norefund said:
Do any of you still keep any of Joe Combs books? OK, now I am just piling on.

No, but I check my mailbox daily in hopes that he will actually send the Wisdom Manual pages he promised...

Smellin Coffee said:
Norefund said:
Do any of you still keep any of Joe Combs books? OK, now I am just piling on.

No, but I check my mailbox daily in hopes that he will actually send the Wisdom Manual pages he promised...


That's crazy!  I only check mine weekly.
RAIDER said:
Smellin Coffee said:
Norefund said:
Do any of you still keep any of Joe Combs books? OK, now I am just piling on.

No, but I check my mailbox daily in hopes that he will actually send the Wisdom Manual pages he promised...


That's crazy!  I only check mine weekly.

Startin' to lose hope there, I see, brother!
Bravo said:
North said:
For those who don't understand my last post let me simplify it in layman's terms:

FBC exalted their pastor Schaap one day and the next day they mercilessly erased every evidence of his existence from the church, ran out his family, shattered the lives of many who were not even involved in the scandal, hired a lawyer who did more harm than help, ran off the victim and compounded her hurt as well as her family's, and topped it off by creating a restrictive church constitution that encapsulated their whole philosophy which is, the church is like a business and when it comes to keeping the church profitable and in existence they will steamroll anyone in the way. All this to save the name of the church in the WORLD'S eye. Was it worth it FBC? I shudder to think about the Bema seat of Christ and the lost rewards and shame of those involved.

This was not civil, proper and respectable of them. It was disgusting.

Yes, Mr. Schaap did wrong. He was truly repentant from what I understand. And he is paying for it now and will have to face God with shame at the Bema seat.

But the church at FBC just wipes their mouths saying, "What have we done?"

One thing you don't know but maybe should be clarified for you. FBC "The Church" didn't do this,... FBC "The Management" did this. The people had no say in this except for the Constitution vote which required people to put their names to their votes. Whether intentional or not, I believe some people were afraid to vote no when their name was attached. Some just left.

Bravo, you are correct. The blame for what I wrote would be directed at "The Management".
I loosely lumped the church together because in reality the church will have to individually give account for their personal role before and during and their reaction to the tragedy when they stand before God. Thank you for the clarification.
I tossed mine before everything happened.  Later I thought maybe i shouldn't have, then after everything, It just confirmed my actions
I have no regrets after throwing all of my books away. Most of what he wrote was a bunch of psychobabble claptrap anyway.
16KJV11 said:
I have no regrets after throwing all of my books away. Most of what he wrote was a bunch of psychobabble claptrap anyway.
Yes.  Why give yourself a headache?

I remember being in College, when his book on dating came out.  I told God that I would not date any girl who read it.  People would literally read the book, and then break up with their supposed lover, because he hadn't followed some step in the process Jack S made up.

A new date was instituted, called the 'I like you' date.  If that didn't come fast enough, well then, surely he isn't Mr.Right.

So many of my class-mates simply mechanically followed that path, step by step, with a young lady who believed he was "God's Man" because he did just what the book said he would.  And they are now divorced. 

The books are worse than useless, they are dangerous.


Norefund said:
How about his books on how to build a Sunday School or church?

And, is your standard that one must be found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt on the creation of a man worshipping church culture? Because, if so, I think we all know that he is guilty beyond any reasonable doubt.

How about his unleashing his perverted son on an unsuspecting church congregation? Guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

Ignoring reports of child molestation and allowing known pedophiles to hold positions in the church and schools? Guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

I didn't mention his adultery in my post. My personal opinion is that there is plenty of evidence to support the accusation. There are many reasons not to emulate and heap adoration on Jack Hyles aside from the adultery aspect.

My point is that the original question posed in this thread should also apply to Jack Hyles given all that is known.

Do any of you still keep any of Joe Combs books? OK, now I am just piling on.
I am sure that I possess a few books that Bro.Hyles authored.
Most of them were sermons that I heard him preach.
"Today" is one I kept.

So much of his instruction was practical, not dogmatic, but people wouldn't pick up on it, cuz they wanted a Talmud.

O, well, the time is past for that industrial revolution fueled post WWll boom church, with it's Steel Mill dad, who sells his soul to the job, to "give his family everything he never had"...
The one who shows up tired to church, tosses in a bucket o'cash, and thanks God that church is raising his family for him...
The one who can be guilted into anything, to absolve this sin...
The one who has a military background, and takes to "leadership", and #'s=success, quite readily...
Yeah, he's in a home now, and his grandkids are makin' meth in a trailer park.


Norefund said:
How about his books on how to build a Sunday School or church?

And, is your standard that one must be found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt on the creation of a man worshipping church culture? Because, if so, I think we all know that he is guilty beyond any reasonable doubt.

How about his unleashing his perverted son on an unsuspecting church congregation? Guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

Ignoring reports of child molestation and allowing known pedophiles to hold positions in the church and schools? Guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

I didn't mention his adultery in my post. My personal opinion is that there is plenty of evidence to support the accusation. There are many reasons not to emulate and heap adoration on Jack Hyles aside from the adultery aspect.

My point is that the original question posed in this thread should also apply to Jack Hyles given all that is known.

Do any of you still keep any of Joe Combs books? OK, now I am just piling on.
I don't think that I have kept any of JH's books apart a couple of sermons books that I have marked up for examples of his man-made extreme legalism.

I know of zero books written by Joe C. If one was published then Wiersbe should be notified for all the plagiarism.

I even destroyed all my Davey-boy Church Ed notes along with ALL of his books.
16KJV11 said:
I have no regrets after throwing all of my books away. Most of what he wrote was a bunch of psychobabble claptrap anyway.

I remember thinking about using the book on depression and grief as a guide to a Bible study on the topic. Then I realized apart from a few token scripture references, there wasn't much Bible to be found.
Baptist City Holdout said:
16KJV11 said:
I have no regrets after throwing all of my books away. Most of what he wrote was a bunch of psychobabble claptrap anyway.

I remember thinking about using the book on depression and grief as a guide to a Bible study on the topic. Then I realized apart from a few token scripture references, there wasn't much Bible to be found.

Huh, what?

Why would you go to any pastor's material for a study involving medical issues? Hence, "there wasn't much Bible to be found."
Smellin Coffee said:
Baptist City Holdout said:
16KJV11 said:
I have no regrets after throwing all of my books away. Most of what he wrote was a bunch of psychobabble claptrap anyway.

I remember thinking about using the book on depression and grief as a guide to a Bible study on the topic. Then I realized apart from a few token scripture references, there wasn't much Bible to be found.

Huh, what?

Why would you go to any pastor's material for a study involving medical issues? Hence, "there wasn't much Bible to be found."

Are you saying that all depression is medically related?
So, Moses, Elijah, David and Jonah all needed Prozac and shrinks?
16KJV11 said:
Are you saying that all depression is medically related?
So, Moses, Elijah, David and Jonah all needed Prozac and shrinks?

ding, ding, ding, we have a winner...
16KJV11 said:
Smellin Coffee said:
Baptist City Holdout said:
16KJV11 said:
I have no regrets after throwing all of my books away. Most of what he wrote was a bunch of psychobabble claptrap anyway.

I remember thinking about using the book on depression and grief as a guide to a Bible study on the topic. Then I realized apart from a few token scripture references, there wasn't much Bible to be found.

Huh, what?

Why would you go to any pastor's material for a study involving medical issues? Hence, "there wasn't much Bible to be found."

Are you saying that all depression is medically related?

Yes, it involves physiology. It could have spiritual roots but it is physiological.

16KJV11 said:
So, Moses, Elijah, David and Jonah all needed Prozac and shrinks?

I don't know. I'm not a doctor, psychiatrist or even psychologist. Not all depression is cured by medicine.

Did Moses, Elijah, David and Jonah consult pastoral books for their respective issues?
So, Moses, Elijah, David and Jonah all needed Prozac and shrinks?

Nope. They needed to make chocolate chip cookies. ;)
Smellin Coffee said:
So, Moses, Elijah, David and Jonah all needed Prozac and shrinks?

Nope. They needed to make chocolate chip cookies. ;)
And make sack lunches.
16KJV11 said:
Smellin Coffee said:
Baptist City Holdout said:
16KJV11 said:
I have no regrets after throwing all of my books away. Most of what he wrote was a bunch of psychobabble claptrap anyway.

I remember thinking about using the book on depression and grief as a guide to a Bible study on the topic. Then I realized apart from a few token scripture references, there wasn't much Bible to be found.

Huh, what?

Why would you go to any pastor's material for a study involving medical issues? Hence, "there wasn't much Bible to be found."

Are you saying that all depression is medically related?
So, Moses, Elijah, David and Jonah all needed Prozac and shrinks?

The issue of grief can be addressed through scripture. I understand now that depression can often be a physical matter.

On a lighter note, I decided to pass out cookie recipes instead!
Baptist City Holdout said:
16KJV11 said:
Smellin Coffee said:
Baptist City Holdout said:
16KJV11 said:
I have no regrets after throwing all of my books away. Most of what he wrote was a bunch of psychobabble claptrap anyway.

I remember thinking about using the book on depression and grief as a guide to a Bible study on the topic. Then I realized apart from a few token scripture references, there wasn't much Bible to be found.

Huh, what?

Why would you go to any pastor's material for a study involving medical issues? Hence, "there wasn't much Bible to be found."

Are you saying that all depression is medically related?
So, Moses, Elijah, David and Jonah all needed Prozac and shrinks?

The issue of grief can be addressed through scripture. I understand now that depression can often be a physical matter.

I agree. However, there are levels of grief that can and do deterioriate into clinical depression. For example, the Bible does not specifically teach how one should feel or act or "go on" when one has been repeatedly raped through childhood. Though there may be some very good general principles in the Bible, sometimes the hurt goes much deeper and it is a hurt that needs to be addressed on a deeper, time-consuming level. That doesn't mean the Bible CAN'T be a healing balm but it isn't the ONLY healing balm in a universal sense.

Baptist City Holdout said:
On a lighter note, I decided to pass out cookie recipes instead!

Gee thanks. I made the recipe and got the runs! I was wondering why you said to use Exlax chocolate chips...
It seems we readily accept the advances of science and medicine when the illness is physical. As soon as the illness is mental, not so much. Thank God for aspirin, ibuprofin, chemo, et al. But do not tell anyone you are on Effexor or Wellbutrin or Paxil....those are DRUGS, brother.
fishinnut said:
I even destroyed all my Davey-boy Church Ed notes along with ALL of his books.

I destroyed all his Christian Manhood notes the day after the tests. When he taught us how to clip our toenails, I wrote the course off as a waste of time. I figured if my parents didn't teach me how to be a man, I didn't need to learn it from him.