Phooey-dini said:
TidesofTruth said:
a repost
First Baptist Church of Hammond as led by their Pastor did a terrible disservice to Dave Hyles by not Biblically disciplining him. They were derelict in duty through ignorance, arrogance, or perhaps lacked individual moral integrity to hold a young man accountable for his wickedness. If a church isn't disciplining they are not restoring. And now instead of at least having the chance for one to go completely through the accountable steps to be restored to a church all we have is much more sin that followed and many broken relationships that can never be restored this side of heaven. He can't win in this. He has the mark of Cain his entire life. It should have never gone like it did.
Either give a man a chance to be restored and if he decides to not be then it is on him and not the church. FBCH will have to account for this grievous sin.
And when I speak of restoration I am only referring to restoral of relationship to the local Body of Believers. Position of leadership which lead to the pride which was the iniquity that allowed the transgression NEVER should be placed on a man with such weakness EVER again. To do so only places them in the exact position to fall again. Some pastors in this nation also have much to account for, in placing him in leadership after his fall.
This begs the question: why did Big Mac Jack wink at Dave's wickedness???? I have my theories.
That is actually a good question. A couple of theories of what JH may have been thinking:
*If Dave had been exposed and properly dealt with it would have put a scar on the ministry of JH. He had written books on how to rear infants, children, and teens. Perhaps he felt that people would discount his teachings. This of course is putting one's ministry over doing the right thing.
*If Dave had been exposed and properly dealt with it would have harmed JH's influence in the IFB world. This of course would have been a pride issue.
*JH was Dave's father. Perhaps he thought that Dave was working on getting his life 'straightened out" and he felt that exposing his sin would be devastating to Dave's future.