iConference 2013

Just John said:
I'm still trying to picture Jack Schapp as a "neo-evangelical"...or even "evangelical" much less "hip", "modern" or "cool". 


And as bad as some of the music is sung there I wouldn't go so far as to call it "evil".  :o :o

What JJ said...except I'd add another paragraph or two of bwhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah's!
Here is an old thread bump from February 2013!
myeyesareopen said:
kids are bullied so badly they commit suicide and then the cool kids make fun of it on a youtube vid

BinacaChugger, I was only vaguely aware of this. Your comment prompted me to investigate and at this house we have been weeping all afternoon for the boy. His blood is crying from the ground and his tormenter still struts around the church. The mom of the deceased boy apparently begged the pastor and principal for help with the bullying and was told to relax, it was only normal, and she was making a sissy of the boy. To this day the family has not been consoled, counselled, or comforted. God have pity on us. Someone needs to tell the new pastor and it might need to be me.

Any update on this?  Wasn't aware this story was on the web... does anyone have a link?