I see we have this in common.
Let's think about this for a second: Mr Hutson seemingly wrote this letter and signed it -
admitting that he would lie if need be and then, he sent this letter to another preacher who could have exposed him from his own pulpit, immediately. Mr Hutson at the time was a very well known preacher and editor of a well known fire and brimstone publication and yet, he seemingly signed his name to a document
saying that he would lie. Just a question about this letter:
did it come to light before or after Mr Hutson death?
If he really did that, not only was his morality "bankrupt" so was his reasoning and intelligence.
So, what we've been told is that Mr Hyles, while standing in the pulpit and plainly preaching strict standards, out of the pulpit (in the worlds largest church with thousands to see) didn't sneak around like most adulterers but blatently "left the door open" between his office and his concubine's; that while he was on the board of the fundamentalist The Sword of the Lord and while he associated with the most famous fundamentalist fire and brimstone preachers (at the time) in America,
at the same time, he built his adultress a home a block or two away from his wife's home and flaunted it in front of his wife and children and everyone else who had heard him preaching strict standards from the pulpit (apparently undaunted by the possible consequences of what could happen) and we are also being told that once his contemporaries knew about it - also successful in their own fire and brimstone "ministries",
that they threatened to lie about it to cover it up and even went so far as to sign their names on paper of such intentions. That just doesn't make much sense.
We're basically being told that along with their total lack of morality, these fire and brimstone preachers had no wisdom as well.
I think that at the table of gossip, a large shaker of salt should be opened and grains of salt ought to be poured out on all of the salacious gossipy food being served.
Here's a video I have found interesting. Forget about the son's past and think about
what he's saying here.
I have no reason to defend Mr Hyles. He certainly would not have cared for
me if he had known me. I can assure you of that. Neither would have any of his contemporaries. But Mr Hyles'
daughter has said one thing. His
son has now said another. That one of them is lying is pretty certain. And bells should go off for us to take caution on what is said about this man.
What the son is saying in this video makes much more sense to me that what the daughter is alledging. (regardless of his own character or honesty)
For so long, I accepted everything that was said about him (the father) but just recently I've asked myself: "Gringo, is that fair? You don't accept the major doctrines of the Bible (even though they are accepted by millions) so why would you accept these stinging arrows of gossip without at least thinking them through. And it just doesn't make sense to me that this man, who on the one hand was
so smart as to know how to build the world's largest church, would be
so stupid to
deliberately behave
openly in such a way as to damage the reputation he worked so hard for in the pulpit.
If this really happened, that he had an affair and that he flaunted it in front of his wife for years - in front of everyone - don't you think Mrs Hyles, somewhere along the line, would have mustered up enough courage and self respect to say "enough is enough"? By all accounts, Mrs Hyles was a class act - a woman of substance. I don't believe she would have turned her head the other way for all of those years if her dignity was being made fun of by an uncaring husband. And I just don't think that if he really
did do this and she was aware of it, that she would have gotten up in the pulpit at his funeral (knowing that everyone else knew too) and spoke the way she did of him.
Something just doesn't seem right.