Here is a good one. These notes were from Church Ed 1980. Dave Hyles was the teacher. I will enter 1/2 today and 1/2 tomorrow. I have bolded some interesting (or humorous) items.
The Christian Worker's Library
You need to begin now.
I. Four types of reading
A. Informal - pleasure
B. Inspirational - challenging
C. Informational - to learn
D. Improvement - to better your life
II. Books you need
A. The Bible
1. King James
2. American Standard
3. Amplified
4. Revised
B. "Jesus is Coming" W.E.B.
"How to Pray" Torrey
"Prayer" Rice
"Foxes Book of Martyers"
"Power of Pentecost"
"Our God Breather Book - The Bible"
C. Biographies
1. Sunday, Moody, Spurgeon, Finney, Luther, Wesley
2. Others - Ironside, Torrey, men you are not familiar with
3. Be careful to study men, not worship them
D. All of Brother Hyles' books
E. Books of Sermons - read a sermon a day
1. Don't read sermon books to get sermons; read sermon books to be blessed
2. Read a variety - some Spurgeon, Ironside, Truit, R.G. Lee, Sunday, Moody, Talmage, McClarain
Read G. Campell Morgan and Peter Marshall with care
F. Poetry - read a poem a day
G. Study books - Cruden's Concordance, Bible Dictionary (Davis, Palubit)
Get a good set of commentaries - Brother Hyles uses Lags Pulpit Commentary
Matthew Henry, Clarks, Barnes Notes, Ironside, W.B. Riley, Macintosh (Exodus - Deuteronomy)
1. Read Bible study books by great soulwinners - Ironside, Torrey, Rice
2. Good dictionary
3. Encyclopedias
4. Naves Topical Bible
5. Young's Analytical Concordance
6. A Treasure of Scriptural Knowledge.
H. Read books on Church building
I. Improvement books - diet, health, how to dress, attitude, memory, etiquette
J. Informal - secular biographies (presidents), sports (Gifford on Courage), gardening