Still There said:
brainisengaged said:
Still There, do you remember rumors that Jeff Owens was going to be the successor to JS? I almost died when I heard that rumor... and it seemed credible because of the visit that he paid to HAC shortly after the scandal. I was beside myself with anger over that glad it was just a rumor. Or....was it? We'll likely never know if that agenda wasn't one someone was trying to push.
Oh yes, he thought he had it. And our family like many others were ready to leave if he did. I could just see the look on his face, ready to take that step up to the pulpit hearing his name called and the bomb drops and Jack's name was called. One man couldn't keep it in and the other man's wife couldn't either. So unfortunately we lost on both ends. I was just reading something his wife wrote on running a nursery and I laughed and laughed. She never stepped foot in the FBC nursery all the years they were there and I'm sure all the years he was at his church she never was there either. I ran the FBC nursery and she asked me questions. I told her if she wants to learn how to run a nursery - come on in. She looked at me and with that look of ignorance - turned around and walked away. She never asked me again and I never told her. So now she's giving advice on how to run a nursery. I never did like either of them from the beginning. Does anyone know what their children are doing these days?
Here's the deal. We were burned bad by following the Hyles way of selecting a pastor, the tape he gave to us when
he thought he was going to die.
It was filled with his philosophy but totally lacking God's way. God's way, the only thing we cared about.
We used the blueprint for a pastor recorded in Timothy and Titus.
What was good for Timothy and Titus was good for us, away with man's way.
JO could not get past the first point,
1) not apprehended, that cannot be laid hold of
2) that cannot be reprehended, not open to censure, irreproachable.
Down in flames. Where there's smoke there's fire.
When you have wife trouble you are not qualified to shepherd the flock.
Get yourself some help first don't inflict the church with your failure.
He is a poor example of a Christian husband. Enough said.
Down further you have children in subjection. He had his own DH type of son starting on the DH style of life.
He thought he was a great preacher and leader. Us, not so much. Don't forget we watched him and his family
up close for years. Again massive disqualification.
I think he can work at a factory or sell real-estate. Pastor? Deacon? No. Bad example for church members.
4 One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity;
5 (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?)
Well that's what we learned was God's wisdom on the matter.
We are now reaping the whirlwind after all those years of following Bro. Hyles wisdom. He was all about JH.
We now see both JH and JS were disqualified.
Other names listed here in my opinion are proud disqualified blowhards. They think they are MOGs. No. No. No.
They are not, just little Jack Hyles-es, and poor imitations at that. We do not need or want more Jack Hyles-es.
Like cheap costume jewelry, all sparkle and dazzle with no real substance.
Take the world and its wisdom, just give me Jesus.