Binaca Chugger said:I remember moving away many years ago. Bro. Hyles had offered me a position, but I turned it down because a prophet is not without honor save in his own country. I wanted to get away from the place of my upbringing and all of the people and politics and build a new reputation in a new church where there wasn't all of the politics. Guess what I found......All churches have politics problems, just on different levels.
I went through a culture shock of working in a small church of only 1,200. Then I adjusted to a church of 200. We have been in several churches over the years. I have yet to find one that doesn't have some people playing a game of politicking for position. Pride is an unstoppable spring welling up within each of us. Only by constantly dying to self is it possible to overcome this problem. Good luck finding a church where everybody has accomplished this every day.
JW has a reputation for helping a church move beyond a horrific situation. I would suggest giving him a chance. It seems as though many of the minions are too involved with the infighting and bragging of self-preservation to really worry about what is best for the church. Hopefully the new pastor will address this at some point. However, I wouldn't expect it to be a public address. Corrections are most always done behind closed doors for a reason.
Why not go meet with the new pastor and address the issue. The minions like to paint a picture that he is unapproachable and their opinion is all you need, but they might be wrong. When I had problems in college, I went straight to the leadership and got pretty good results. Yes, Bro. Hyles made mistakes, but I think he learned from those mistakes. In his later years, I approached him about the sexual harassment taking place in the security department. The problem was solved that night (mostly - that department was rotten at the core - but our issue was immediately addressed), apologies were issued, people were shipped, my gal was transferred to a better position. You may be surprised that the new pastor is willing to hear your issues and have a real conversation with you.
Don't let the only people he hears about the status and direction and goings-on of the church be the minions! Some church member needs to present the other side of the coin to him. If all he gets is their opinion, he can't help but continue in the same direction. This would not be fair to him. Don't get upset at him for not understanding your paradigm, if you are unwilling to share it with him. Help him out. Don't go in ready to rip on anyone. Rather, go in with a spirit of meekness ready to boldly present the problems you see while offering solutions and ask to pray with him that God would give him wisdom in directing the church in a new direction and away from the problems of the past.
By the Way, that "position" is still probably open! Come in and fill out an application.