Best and/or Worst

RAIDER said:
Best:  When Dr. Hyles walked into the chapel on Wednesday as the chapel speaker.
Worst:  When Jim Jorgensen or Justin Mitchell walked into the chapel any day as the chapel speaker.

I think you mean Judson Mitchell - Named after Adoniram Judson.  He was a good man who really cared about students and offered good counsel - though maybe not the best preacher.
Best:  DC, the safety teacher for CDL class had been going on and on for weeks about a video that would change our perspective about the great responsibility of driving a bus forever.  "When you see these kids bouncing off the ceiling, sustaining life-long injuries, all because a driver wanted to have fun - it'll make your blood boil and you will realize how important it is to be safe."  With great anticipation, the day of the video finally arrived.  The large class of guys was reminded again to pay close attention - this would change our lives!  Then..........It happened.  The video was was Star Wars.  He had taped over the tragic bus scene to record Star Wars.  The whole class just lost it.

Worst:  His explanation.
Best: It Is Well

Worst: Precious Locks (Something about that parody was just weird).
Best:  Getting a security radio and putting in fake calls to really get them going in circles and flat out frustrated.

Worst:  Yeah.......not really anything on that one!
Best: Getting a day off classes

Worst: Having to go out in the cold and pretend to care about the HACker bowl.
Best: Growing in Christ through my time at HAC

Worst:  Realizing I was becoming a HACker.
RAIDER said:
Best:  The first time I called an idiot at HAC a Hacker.
Worst:  The day they outlawed the word Hacker at HAC.

And you let that stop you!?!
IFB X-Files said:
Best:  When Joe Combs walked out as chapel speaker.
Worst:  Looking back wondering when he went bad.

Joe Combs didn't "go bad." He was bad all along. He just put on a good show for everyone while he practiced the worst kind of evil in his home.
Tom Brennan said:
Binaca Chugger said:
Best: Curtis Hutson day.  There was something truly special about hearing that man, so close to heaven's door, just talk and sing and enjoy his near home-going.  Anyone who was there remembers it.  One of those few truly special services where something special happened that I'm not sure I can exactly put in words.

...that and the Pastors' School service in which Paul Johnson quoted Revelation were the two best services I've ever been to in my whole life.

The worst would probably have to be the Div 1 nightbus in which the preacher cursed at us, and told us to get the ______________ off the bus if we didn't agree with Bro. John. For the life of me, I still cannot understand how John Francis sat there, allowing that to happen, and never said a single word about it.

When were you in division 1? I was at HAC from 85-91, we might know each other. Paul was in division 1 when I was there, he memorized the whole new testament if I am not mistaken.
Binaca Chugger said:
RAIDER said:
Best:  The first time I called an idiot at HAC a Hacker.
Worst:  The day they outlawed the word Hacker at HAC.

And you let that stop you!?!

Oh, no, that did not stop us.  :)
nthanh61 said:
When were you in division 1? I was at HAC from 85-91, we might know each other. Paul was in division 1 when I was there, he memorized the whole new testament if I am not mistaken.

I came in the fall of 91. It sounds like we just missed each other. I spent my freshman year in Div 1 before transferring to Bible Clubs, where I stayed for the other five.
Tom Brennan said:
Binaca Chugger said:
Best: Curtis Hutson day.  There was something truly special about hearing that man, so close to heaven's door, just talk and sing and enjoy his near home-going.  Anyone who was there remembers it.  One of those few truly special services where something special happened that I'm not sure I can exactly put in words.

...that and the Pastors' School service in which Paul Johnson quoted Revelation were the two best services I've ever been to in my whole life.

The worst would probably have to be the Div 1 nightbus in which the preacher cursed at us, and told us to get the ______________ off the bus if we didn't agree with Bro. John. For the life of me, I still cannot understand how John Francis sat there, allowing that to happen, and never said a single word about it.
He only heard half of what you said?

He that hath an ear, let him hear...

Sent from my N860 using Tapatalk 2

prophet said:
Tom Brennan said:
Binaca Chugger said:
Best: Curtis Hutson day.  There was something truly special about hearing that man, so close to heaven's door, just talk and sing and enjoy his near home-going.  Anyone who was there remembers it.  One of those few truly special services where something special happened that I'm not sure I can exactly put in words.

...that and the Pastors' School service in which Paul Johnson quoted Revelation were the two best services I've ever been to in my whole life.

The worst would probably have to be the Div 1 nightbus in which the preacher cursed at us, and told us to get the ______________ off the bus if we didn't agree with Bro. John. For the life of me, I still cannot understand how John Francis sat there, allowing that to happen, and never said a single word about it.
He only heard half of what you said?

He that hath an ear, let him hear...

Sent from my N860 using Tapatalk 2

Tom Brennan said:
Binaca Chugger said:
Best: Curtis Hutson day.  There was something truly special about hearing that man, so close to heaven's door, just talk and sing and enjoy his near home-going.  Anyone who was there remembers it.  One of those few truly special services where something special happened that I'm not sure I can exactly put in words.

...that and the Pastors' School service in which Paul Johnson quoted Revelation were the two best services I've ever been to in my whole life.
The worst would probably have to be the Div 1 nightbus in which the preacher cursed at us, and told us to get the ______________ off the bus if we didn't agree with Bro. John. For the life of me, I still cannot understand how John Francis sat there, allowing that to happen, and never said a single word about it.

Best:  I enjoyed sitting next to my then-68 year old father and listening to him quote it along with the young man on the platform without having to review it for the presentation. 

Worst:  Getting a motherly speech from my mom later that night because there was no reason whatsoever that either I or my two brothers who were also at the service should not have been able to quote the whole book of Revelation too.   
Best:  Easter Bunny Week with its rewards, special meals, sleeping in, etc. 

Worst:  Easter Bunny Week song with certain singers...... 

(What?  You KNEW someone would have to mention it!) 
Worst:  Watching Bus and Bible Club workers get into fistfights over which ministry was better.

Best:  Not having a dog in the fight!
Best: being a young, innocent 17 year old excited about serving the Lord attending a Christian College.

Worst: The point when I realized I wasted 4 years of my life and money.
patriotic said:
Best:  Easter Bunny Week with its rewards, special meals, sleeping in, etc. 

Worst:  Easter Bunny Week song with certain singers...... 

(What?  You KNEW someone would have to mention it!)

We will hop and hop and hop on Easter Bunny Week!

Still Hoppin?
Worst:  When someone canceled who was scheduled for special music.

Best:  Then having the opportunity to count how many times EC blinks in one song!
Best:  Getting a Chicago style pizza for your date that night.

Worst:  Leaving it in your room while you freshen up and find your roommates eating it upon your return.