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  1. S

    Real HAC Numbers

    Alot of the staff have left not sure who is there. I would say 100 students if that...night classes don't exist.
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    Does Tone Matter?

    Mark Robinson in NC became my hero when he stood up for the children in his school district. Go back and listen to his voice on you tube.
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    What do you think happened to the large churches of the past?

    You are correct its going to happen to Hammond and others. I'm wondering about my own home church at Rochester Hills it should seat a 1,000 people. It was filled once with an Evangelist speaking .
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    What do you think happened to the large churches of the past?

    My thoughts are they didn't plan for the future. Did they stop preaching salvation messages ? Emmanuel Baptist in Pontiac, Michigan is a empty parking lot today. I don't think bigger is better . AV Henderson church outside of Detroit, Michigan what happened to it also Chattanooga, Tenn. Any...
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    Bill Grady's Post ...

    We go to church pastored by Jim Blalock he married Louise Vanderhoof she grew up at FBC . Thank for your kind words Florida is my home. I'm from Michigan and visit my mom often. Many blessings
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    Bill Grady's Post ...

    Justice 1976 you were in college the same time with my husband Danny Hester he passed away last year and I. We left in August 1983 for south Florida and have been here ever since.
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    Cindy Collins observation

    Growing up I was preached to if you wear pants you're on your way to hell......My husband didn't like pants on women so I followed what he wanted out of respect for him. After he passed away I purchased pants and there were people that told me I was on my way to hell. NOTHING in the scripture...
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    Cindy Collins observation

    Cindy does wear pants that did not shock me good for her.......
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    Cindy Collins observation

    Cindy is my friend on fb she is doing well. She did remarry and she deserves to be happy. She is still writing you can find her books on Amazon.
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    Update on First Baptist Church of Hammond

    HAC fired 40 staff members a few years ago. I know Carol Frye Tudor and her husband left after working there for over 30 years they are retired now. We were friends on FB but she deleted me after I reminded her that all was not well at college and church.
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    This looks like the maro boat lift out of cuba?
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    Deaths Of HAC Students

    The college is in Crown Point
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    Southern Baptists and Women Pastors.

    Women are not ordained to be preachers just saying.
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    The Journey Has Begun

    love the reading thank you for sharing. Enjoy and be safe
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    Can a Christian be a Democrat?

    You can be a christian and be both democratic or republican . Your party does not defined your faith. Its your choice...
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    Tony Evans ‘steps down’.

    I listen to him and will be praying for him and the family.
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    I love these they make me laugh out loud every post.........keep them coming
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    Angela Has Graduated

    Are you coming south? Congratulations many blessings!!
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    Prayer Request Please.

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    IFB post on FB.

    Tom told me I should judge people and I told him I am not God. I don't read anything he posts on facebook