Can a Christian be a Democrat?


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Jun 2, 2016
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The last several decades I've heard the rhetoric on both sides which begs the question, "Can a Christian be a democrat?" The way most of you talk, it sounds like the answer is no.
The last several decades I've heard the rhetoric on both sides which begs the question, "Can a Christian be a democrat?" The way most of you talk, it sounds like the answer is no.

Why should they be?
The last several decades I've heard the rhetoric on both sides which begs the question, "Can a Christian be a democrat?" The way most of you talk, it sounds like the answer is no.
Yes. Next question.
You can be a christian and be both democratic or republican . Your party does not defined your faith. Its your choice...
Biden says you are not black if you dont vote for him.

So, apparently, you have to be a Democrat if you are black.

So, if you are a Black Christian, you are a Democrat according to Biden. You cannot be a Republican.

Update: logic was unclear and needed sharpening.
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The last several decades I've heard the rhetoric on both sides which begs the question, "Can a Christian be a democrat?" The way most of you talk, it sounds like the answer is no.
yes.... .. a christian can be a democrat.....

but that;s not really the question ... is it....:unsure: ..... a better question would be can christians support the platfform of todays democrats and can they believe in current democrat causes .... and can a christian help democrats (either actively or by default) achieve their perverse objectives?......

a few people here seem to believe they not only can.... but that they should.... ...... ..others seem to be in denial about what todays democrats are really up to... .. or have their back turned to what their lack of support for those fighting against the democrats could bring about..... ...pretending not to see it.....

but regardless of what other policies we may agree or disagree with regarding democrats - democrats have sworn to change america by trampling the u.s. constitution... and they have gone on a mission to destroy everything christians believe in.... . ...they also demand that anyone wearing their label march in lock step with them.....

so my question is not can a christian be a democrat.... but should they be one?..... :confused:
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Bob Avakian, founder and leader of the Revolutionary Communist Party USA, supported Joe Biden in 2020. So did William Ayers, a former leader of the violent Weather Underground, along with Angela Davis, who was the Communist Party USA’s vice presidential nominee in the 1980 and 1984 elections. Starting in 1988 the Communist Party USA has backed the Democratic Presidential candidates. One could be a Christian and vote for the Democratic platform, but why? Why would a Christian want to support a Democratic party that is almost indistinguishable from the Communist Party USA?

David was a man after God's own heart and yet he was a murder, and adulter and at least part of the time a terrible father.

What party you identify with does not define you. Many Christians identify as Democrats because their parents and their parents parents were Democrats. I know several Republicans who are extreamly liberal but vote Republican because they are wealthy and they like the tax and fiscal policies of the right. Arnold Schwarzenegger was the Republican Governour of California from 2003 to 2011. He was fiscally somewhat conservative, but he was socially a bleeding heart libral. He was the last Republican Governour elected in CA.
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David was a man after God's own heart and yet he was a murder, and adulter and at least part of the time a terrible father.

What party you identify with does not define you. Many Christians identify as Democrats because their parents and their parents parents were Democrats. I know several Republicans who are extreamly liberal but vote republican because they are wealthy and they like the tax and fiscal policies of the right. Arnold Schwarzenegger was the Republican Governour of California from 2003 to 2011. He was fiscally somewhat conservative, but he was socially a bleeding heart libral. He was the last Republican Governour elected in CA.
That is no excuse for supporting a party that is a second cousin to a communist party that wishes to take away the freedoms God has blessed us with as a nation. I don't doubt a Christian can be a Democrat. I know a Baptist pastor who believes a Christian can be a Communist and has said so from the pulpit. There can be disagreements. I used to get a haircut where the barber who was a friendly man told everyone sitting in the shop that he would vote for a N####r before he would vote for a Republican. He said it was like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.
Of course they can be a democrat! People of faith can make incorrect decisions and still be saved. King David, Solomon, Abraham, etc...the list goes on and on. We are flawed beings and anyone who can't realize that lacks the sense God gave a kumquat! ;)
Of course they can be a democrat! People of faith can make incorrect decisions and still be saved. King David, Solomon, Abraham, etc...the list goes on and on. We are flawed beings and anyone who can't realize that lacks the sense God gave a kumquat! ;)
So, a Christian can be a Democrat but must sin in order to do so?
That is no excuse for supporting a party that is a second cousin to a communist party that wishes to take away the freedoms God has blessed us with as a nation. I don't doubt a Christian can be a Democrat. I know a Baptist pastor who believes a Christian can be a Communist and has said so from the pulpit. There can be disagreements. I used to get a haircut where the barber who was a friendly man told everyone sitting in the shop that he would vote for a N####r before he would vote for a Republican. He said it was like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.
Republican party murder innocent children all the time in the name of war.

Who’s better, Democrat or Republican Party?
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Republican party murder innocent children all the time in the name of war.

Who’s better, Democrat or Republican Party?
Donald Trump is much better for our country than Joe Biden. Nuff said.
Donald Trump is much better for our country than Joe Biden. Nuff said.
The argument you are making
(as I understand) is if the republicans are better for the country in a moral sense? I say, one is no better than the other.
The argument you are making
(as I understand) is if the republicans are better for the country in a moral sense? I say, one is no better than the other.
As compared to their party platforms and their policy decisions I’d say the Republicans are better in almost every way.

I’m sure the Trans lobby, AOC and the squad would agree with you though.
Republican party murder innocent children all the time in the name of war.

Who’s better, Democrat or Republican Party?
I’m assuming you’re trolling again. 😉
David was a man after God's own heart and yet he was a murder, and adulter and at least part of the time a terrible father.
David sinned, but he was penitent, and that was why he was said to be a man after God's own heart.

He was not a member of the Murder, Adultery, and Terrible Father Party, nor did he make murder, adultery, and terrible fathering part of his official political policy.
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