Does Tone Matter?

Interestingly this implication is similar to the local guy who suggested that I married my wife specifically because she had been molested.
Maybe the local guy said that because you bring the fact up in an effort to suggest you have special insight that 'trumps' the eminently logical and reasonable counters to some of your assertions.
The answer would be none. Interestingly this implication is similar to the local guy who suggested that I married my wife specifically because she had been molested. His veiled accusation was a very large part of what opened my eyes to how awful the rhetoric used by Christians can be. I object to his methods and his response is to question my motives relative to my morality and ethics.

BTW I have never met the individual staff members and administrators who have been essentially charged with either preparing students for their own sexual predatory activities or for aiding and abetting the same for others.

My apologies for not being quicker. I do hope to respond in detail but my schedule has been very limited. My thoughts have been more focused on the other points made about my “insinuations” towards people here.
You just seem to parrot many state school apologists on this issue.
Maybe the local guy said that because you bring the fact up in an effort to suggest you have special insight that 'trumps' the eminently logical and reasonable counters to some of your assertions.
I bring it up because it’s how I first heard the term groomer used; by the psychologist who I mentioned early on in making the effort for explaining my position. That he (and apparently you) believe that this opens the door to casting aspersions on me rather than engage with the actual subject matter is sad indeed. If nothing else grace is sorely lacking on the part of the person who would leap to this conclusion.

Similar to assuming that there is some unspoken connection between myself and the people who these accusations have been directed against. Maybe I just find that type of behavior objectionable regardless of who is doing or at whom it’s directed.
I bring it up because it’s how I first heard the term groomer used; by the psychologist who I mentioned early on in making the effort for explaining my position. That he (and apparently you) believe that this opens the door to casting aspersions on me rather than engage with the actual subject matter is sad indeed. If nothing else grace is sorely lacking on the part of the person who would leap to this conclusion.

Similar to assuming that there is some unspoken connection between myself and the people who these accusations have been directed against. Maybe I just find that type of behavior objectionable regardless of who is doing or at whom it’s directed.
Yes. As I said.
You objected to my making a comparison to a Rorschach test. The fact that so many people "back filled" for me proves so much of my working theory. No one wants to put in the hard work of actual dialogue and communication. Jump to conclusions and go straight to the accusations. You accused me of trolling. Apparently I was successful considering how many "took the bait".

Here is the rub. I made a statement. My follow up posts said the exact same thing about other national figures. Am I to believe that the responses would have been just as passionate and defensive if I had started with Bill Clinton? Let's just say that I have my doubts.
I think you are a Trump Troll.

But you have dodged the question of which righteous moral candidates for President do you recommend?
The is a group of people in my area who are busy trying to stop the DEI/CRT/Trans promoting forces in the local schools.They identify as Christians wanting to preserve traditional morality. I have a deep sympathy for their position but find myself unable to partner with them mainly due to the rhetorical methods that they have chosen.

One easy example, library books. Over the last several month there has been a fight over some titles available in the high school library. The leader of the group has repeatedly called the school board members, administration and the library staff pedophiles and groomers. This in writing and in person at board meetings.

Perhaps the title of this thread is geared towards a certain thought but I thought I'd share this little poem with y'all anyway:


It's not so much what you say
As the manner in which you say it;
It's not so much the language you use
As the tone in which you convey it;
"Come here!" I sharply said,
And the child cowered and wept.
"Come here," I said --
He looked and smiled
And straight to my lap he crept.
Words may be mild and fair
And the tone may pierce like a dart;
Words may be soft as the summer air
But the tone may break my heart;
For words come from the mind
Grow by study and art -
But tone leaps from the inner self
Revealing the state of the heart.
Whether you know it or not,
Whether you mean or care,
Gentleness, kindness, love, and hate,
Envy, anger are there.
Then, would you quarrels avoid
And peace and love rejoice?
Keep anger not only out of your words -
Keep it out of your voice.



Tone? Nah, it’s all about that base, bout dat base.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander, ain't it. Try NOT invoking the alleged experiences of one's spouse.

See if you can make your case.
The experience was mine relative to when/where I first heard the term, how it was used and the explanation given by the psychologist. If I had not mentioned the context of my interaction with the psychologist the backfill would have been a bunch of speculation as to why I was seeing a therapist in the first place.
sorry guys....but this idea of tone and the way someone says something being more important than the actual substance of the words themselves.... in my mind it;s placing more value on salesmanship than leadership... ...preferring flowery words over hard truth - even when those flowery words are false.... ...... and that is wrong no matter what the topic is..... but especially wrong when dealing with sinister issues involving children ... ..

that;s one reason i have not been as involved in this thread as i would have been in the past... especially given the subject matter.... .... it reminds me of fff conversations in the past dominated by those who were never victims of childhood abuse themselves .. but who might have had former victims in their families or churches... and were looking for ways to minister to them ...or at the minimum keep that persons problems from becoming their own.... and there is generally nothing wrong with that kind of conversation as long as those involved don;t try and sell themselves as authorities or experts on something they never experienced - and then attempt to educate those of us who did...

.... but even if it doesn;t go to that point i still can;t function well in that kind of standoffish - disinvested state.... a victim of abuse that derailed and destroyed any future i might have had long before i even understood what having a future meant ..i take things like this very personal.... ..i know where it starts.... and i know where it;s headed.. ..

and when it comes to discussing issues about the wellbeing of children...those who would abuse them or enable others to.... creating environments that put them at risk... and the perverted and satanic influences they are being exposed to in school ..(like the one this thread is about) - or anywhere else in society - i can see no middle ground.... and only have 2 modes to work with -

so i am taking myself out of this conversation while my verbal selector switch is still on safe.....
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sorry guys....but this idea of tone and the way someone says something being more important than the actual substance of the words themselves.... in my mind it;s placing more value on salesmanship than leadership...

Hunnicutt: (Narrating) Which brings me to Major Frank Burns,
not one of our best doctors.

Hawkeye says he became a surgeon after
he washed out at embalmers'school.

This morning he was operating
on a kid named Davis...

and I was the anesthesiologist.

Sometimes you have
to double in gas here.

Burns: More suction, nurse.
Stop daydreaming!

Houlihan: You're there to assist
the doctor, Lieutenant.

Pierce: Give her a doctor,
she'll assist him.

Hunnicutt: Frank, pulse is weakening,
blood pressure dropping.

Burns: I'm doing everything I can.

This soldier's a mess.
Gee williewockers!

Pierce: Sewer mouth.

Houlihan: Why must you ride him?

Pierce: I'll stop soon.
I only paid for an hour.

Hunnicutt: No pulse.
Burns: Well, then that's that.

Hunnicutt: What do you mean? Do something!

Burns : He didn't have a chance anyway.

Hunnicutt: You can't just give up! (Taking over)

Burns: Have you no respect for the dead?

Hunnicutt: Cover the belly, Kellye.
Bag him, Frank!

Burns: You're not supposed to tell me what to do.

Hunnicut : BAG!

Pierce: Try open heart massage.

Hunnicut : We can do it closed.
I saw it done in the States. Bag!

Pierce: Good. Rather not open his chest.

Hunnicut: Bag him once every five beats.

Burns: You're going over my head!

Pierce: Everything's over your head, Frank.

Hunnicutt : Bag!

Burns : Nothing. Hah!

Hunnicutt: Come on, you! Come on! Come on! Come on!

Burns: Enjoying your dramatics?

Hunnicutt: Bag!


Burns: Hey! I'm getting a pulse.

Hunnicutt: Good.

Burns: Better. It's going.

Hunnicutt: Another unit of whole blood.

Burns: Getting stronger.

Houlihan: Good work, Doctor.

Hunnicutt :Thank you.

Burns: (vengefully) I'm not gonna forget this,

Houlihan: He did save the patient, Major.

Burns: It was the WAY he did it!
S4 E10
'Dear Peggy'

Did Sub answer your excellent question about his relationship to a public school teacher?
Or maybe a public school administrator?
I can’t say where/ when or even if, but the answer would be none/zero. I was a bus driver for a public school.
I can’t say where/ when or even if, but the answer would be none/zero. I was a bus driver for a public school.
You had already answered this question in post 62.
But thank you… I guess
I can’t say where/ when or even if, but the answer would be none/zero. I was a bus driver for a public school.
ok..... so now how about you respond to the answers i gave you in post 49.... .... i posted that after you challenged me to show you where you had made vile accusations against other forum members - due to their support for trump...... ..that was not the only post or the only thread where you laid down such a challenge for me or someone else to dredge up your previous posts and remind you of what you said...... as far as i know you have never apologized or owned up to any of them - you just continue on and deny it all... trying to wear the martyr crown as if you are innocent and the forum trump supporters are persecuting you.......

but don;t worry ... you are not alone...... at least one of your fellow trump haters here does the same thing... .. but i;m not wasting any more of my time looking up and posting links or reposting your own words for either of you....... you don;t respond or even acknowledge them when i do..... so why should i?........ why should anyone?.....
You had already answered this question in post 62.
But thank you… I guess
The first question/comment came up in my new response list. I thought I had already answered but was making sure in case I hadn’t.
ok..... so now how about you respond to the answers i gave you in post 49.... .... i posted that after you challenged me to show you where you had made vile accusations against other forum members - due to their support for trump...... ..that was not the only post or the only thread where you laid down such a challenge for me or someone else to dredge up your previous posts and remind you of what you said...... as far as i know you have never apologized or owned up to any of them - you just continue on and deny it all... trying to wear the martyr crown as if you are innocent and the forum trump supporters are persecuting you.......

but don;t worry ... you are not alone...... at least one of your fellow trump haters here does the same thing... .. but i;m not wasting any more of my time looking up and posting links or reposting your own words for either of you....... you don;t respond or even acknowledge them when i do..... so why should i?........ why should anyone?.....
Working on it. I am limited to just my phone at the present time. Not the best tool for the task.
Mark Robinson in NC became my hero when he stood up for the children in his school district. Go back and listen to his voice on you tube.