Southern Baptists and Women Pastors.

I didn’t say they weren’t heretical in other areas…😀
In this case, like all true blue IFB ppl would say, I can appreciate their stance on this but I couldn’t have them preach in my church. Good men, good people but I disagree with them on other things.

Southern Baptists Reject Ban On Women Pastors, Even As Majority Supports Ban​

Brian Bushard
Forbes Staff

Jun 12, 2024,12:46pm EDT

Southern Baptists narrowly reject formal ban on churches with any women pastors​

AP Staff Writers
Updated 6:25 PM EDT, June 12, 2024
Well, my wife and I no longer have to worry about this. We decided to disassociate ourselves from our church and start looking back at the IFB churches. Too many SBC churches are running around preaching every wind of doctrine they can come up with. So, we're done. Let their slide into apostacy continue.
The SBC has expelled churches with women Pastors consistently and regularly…ask Rick Warren.

Swords post is correct in that the so called Law Amendment failed but for various reasons but not because anywhere near the 30+ percent who voted against it are for women Pastors.

The SBC has problem but pro-women pastors is not one of them.
The SBC has expelled churches with women Pastors consistently and regularly…ask Rick Warren.

Swords post is correct in that the so called Law Amendment failed but for various reasons but not because anywhere near the 30+ percent who voted against it are for women Pastors.

The SBC has problem but pro-women pastors is not one of them.
Oh, puleeeze! Pull your head out of your bottom and admit what's going on. More and more churches, pastored by young pastors farmed out of the SBC seminaries are in support of this view over the traditional and Biblical complimentarian view. I'm not against women in ministry, and especially not when they are ministering to women and children. I'm not against them using the title "director" when they serve. I am, however, against the ordination of women, and the use of the terminology "pastor" as their title. 50 years ago before the mad move by women to make themselves equal in all things, there wasn't anywhere NEAR the problem that is presenting itself today.
Oh, puleeeze! Pull your head out of your bottom and admit what's going on. More and more churches, pastored by young pastors farmed out of the SBC seminaries are in support of this view over the traditional and Biblical complimentarian view. I'm not against women in ministry, and especially not when they are ministering to women and children. I'm not against them using the title "director" when they serve. I am, however, against the ordination of women, and the use of the terminology "pastor" as their title. 50 years ago before the mad move by women to make themselves equal in all things, there wasn't anywhere NEAR the problem that is presenting itself today.
Don’t transfer to me the position of your head. You seem to know more about the SBC that I do…no matter that the actual actions of the SBC contradict your assertions. The official position of the SBC is that women cannot be pastors. However SBC churches are autonomous and some have violated that. Which is why some have been voted out of the SBC.
Well, my wife and I no longer have to worry about this. We decided to disassociate ourselves from our church and start looking back at the IFB churches. Too many SBC churches are running around preaching every wind of doctrine they can come up with. So, we're done. Let their slide into apostacy continue.
I have come to the conclusion that each local church congregation rises or falls on its own merit. Baptist churches whether SBC or IFB are autonomous congregations.

My pastor and elders have considered exiting from the SBC. I have serious problems with NAMB and other programs that promote liberalism. So long as they are faithful to sound doctrine and the authority and sufficiency of the scriptures, I will continue to stand with and support them.

There are SBC Churches out there that are too tied to the affairs of the convention and I would stay away from such. I do not know the specifics of your local congregation but I would not leave my church just because of what is going on in the convention! Just my two cents here.

There are some good IFB churches out there and I do not need to tell you the ones to absolutely steer clear from!

Years ago, I found myself becoming so critical that no church was good enough for me and I suffered for it! Focus on what matters and exercise grace towards the things that do not.
I have come to the conclusion that each local church congregation rises or falls on its own merit. Baptist churches whether SBC or IFB are autonomous congregations.

My pastor and elders have considered exiting from the SBC. I have serious problems with NAMB and other programs that promote liberalism. So long as they are faithful to sound doctrine and the authority and sufficiency of the scriptures, I will continue to stand with and support them.

There are SBC Churches out there that are too tied to the affairs of the convention and I would stay away from such. I do not know the specifics of your local congregation but I would not leave my church just because of what is going on in the convention! Just my two cents here.

There are some good IFB churches out there and I do not need to tell you the ones to absolutely steer clear from!

Years ago, I found myself becoming so critical that no church was good enough for me and I suffered for it! Focus on what matters and exercise grace towards the things that do not.
The reasons for us leaving are many, not just what is in the context of the SBC. Our pastor just turned 47 today. He's young, and he grew up in this area. He has many friends who have followed him from church to church (he was a youth pastor for several years, where he picked up a small following...then he was an associate pastor/youth pastor at a second church in the area where he already had friends who finally followed him to the present church he pastors) and slowly but surely, his friends who have followed him from place to place, and been his "yes men" have replaced some of the older members who were active in certain ministries. Shortly before, and during Covid he did away with many programs within the church. He wouldn't encourage home Bible studies, as these were believed to be divisive. During his tenure so far, he and his wife have had a hand in driving off two "worship" leaders, with the pastor's wife taking that ministry. With this placement/takeover questionable doctrine was introduced through songs with questionable doctrine. During our Valentine's Day banquet a couple of years ago secular music promoting adultery and fornication was allowed during the entertainment portion of the event. Though most of Rob's teaching/preaching is sound, when questionable doctrine is being preached he becomes defensive and goes through back channels to try and quell dissent. One of the worship leaders that left was our then assistant pastor (he's now taken a large SBC church in town as the pastor) brother. After he left, the pastor's wife took over. Since then the assistant has left to take the larger church, and his father-in-law, who was our deacon and was one of the people who came to the church because of "family ties," left and went back to the church of origin. It's all been nepotism and friends in this church. When it came time to vote on certain things if there was a quorum and the pastor didn't have enough votes in his favor, he would cancel the business meeting, and continue to do so until he had the advantage. This isn't the way a church body should work. There have been many who have gone to other congregations, and we were one of the holdouts. But, we've had enough. The church has been taking a move towards liberalism in doctrine, and we are ready for some steady, biblical standing in the church we attend. We've been there faithfully until COVID-19, and when we have been physically able since. We tithe, we contribute to other programs, and still spread the gospel from our home and in our lives. As you stated many times, you've gone back and found a congregation that is more solid in doctrine and biblical standing. We've been with the SBC since 2000 but have witnessed the slide into apostasy in both the convention and many of the churches, including our own to a great degree.
The reasons for us leaving are many, not just what is in the context of the SBC. Our pastor just turned 47 today. He's young, and he grew up in this area. He has many friends who have followed him from church to church (he was a youth pastor for several years, where he picked up a small following...then he was an associate pastor/youth pastor at a second church in the area where he already had friends who finally followed him to the present church he pastors) and slowly but surely, his friends who have followed him from place to place, and been his "yes men" have replaced some of the older members who were active in certain ministries. Shortly before, and during Covid he did away with many programs within the church. He wouldn't encourage home Bible studies, as these were believed to be divisive. During his tenure so far, he and his wife have had a hand in driving off two "worship" leaders, with the pastor's wife taking that ministry. With this placement/takeover questionable doctrine was introduced through songs with questionable doctrine. During our Valentine's Day banquet a couple of years ago secular music promoting adultery and fornication was allowed during the entertainment portion of the event. Though most of Rob's teaching/preaching is sound, when questionable doctrine is being preached he becomes defensive and goes through back channels to try and quell dissent. One of the worship leaders that left was our then assistant pastor (he's now taken a large SBC church in town as the pastor) brother. After he left, the pastor's wife took over. Since then the assistant has left to take the larger church, and his father-in-law, who was our deacon and was one of the people who came to the church because of "family ties," left and went back to the church of origin. It's all been nepotism and friends in this church. When it came time to vote on certain things if there was a quorum and the pastor didn't have enough votes in his favor, he would cancel the business meeting, and continue to do so until he had the advantage. This isn't the way a church body should work. There have been many who have gone to other congregations, and we were one of the holdouts. But, we've had enough. The church has been taking a move towards liberalism in doctrine, and we are ready for some steady, biblical standing in the church we attend. We've been there faithfully until COVID-19, and when we have been physically able since. We tithe, we contribute to other programs, and still spread the gospel from our home and in our lives. As you stated many times, you've gone back and found a congregation that is more solid in doctrine and biblical standing. We've been with the SBC since 2000 but have witnessed the slide into apostasy in both the convention and many of the churches, including our own to a great degree.
I'm really sorry to hear about this! Your objections are very much legitimate and I would not remain in such a church either. I am not too kind towards those who are manipulative and calculating as this pastor seems to be and as far as I am concerned, he is likely unregenerate and needs to repent and believe the gospel and yes, I would tell this to his face! So sorry, I know you have really gone through the wringer regarding church congregations that have been less than honorable and faithful to their calling.

Perhaps you could find a good church through the 9marks directory? I know they are mostly Calvinistic and/or reformed but not all. My daughter found a "Free Will Baptist" congregation in her area - go figure! The one thing I really like about 9-marks is their emphasis upon a plurality of elders in a congregational rule setting (elder-led rather than eldership rule, congregation retains the ability to vote, etc.). Praying for you.
Don’t transfer to me the position of your head. You seem to know more about the SBC that I do…no matter that the actual actions of the SBC contradict your assertions. The official position of the SBC is that women cannot be pastors. However SBC churches are autonomous and some have violated that. Which is why some have been voted out of the SBC.
I never stated that I would approve of women, you're the one showing where your head is...directly up your behind. Women in ministry doesn't necessarily lead to the conclusion of "pastor." Get real, get honest, and please, find a better place for your head.
I'm really sorry to hear about this! Your objections are very much legitimate and I would not remain in such a church either. I am not too kind towards those who are manipulative and calculating as this pastor seems to be and as far as I am concerned, he is likely unregenerate and needs to repent and believe the gospel and yes, I would tell this to his face! So sorry, I know you have really gone through the wringer regarding church congregations that have been less than honorable and faithful to their calling.

Perhaps you could find a good church through the 9marks directory? I know they are mostly Calvinistic and/or reformed but not all. My daughter found a "Free Will Baptist" congregation in her area - go figure! The one thing I really like about 9-marks is their emphasis upon a plurality of elders in a congregational rule setting (elder-led rather than eldership rule, congregation retains the ability to vote, etc.). Praying for you.
I can live with congregations that are Calvinistic in their leanings. I've been in many and have done well. I've been in both Calvinist and Arminian congregations. Vivian and I go into churches and try to be useful in any ministry needing assistance. Concerning our former pastor, I'm sure he's been saved. I also know he's fallen to the "good ol' boy" network in the church. He'll learn, and is learning at present that he can't please both sides and that trying to play both sides doesn't work. Thanks for your prayers. Thanks for the recommendation on the directory. I'll check it out. Hope you and yours are doing well. Let us know the next time you and your wife are in the Nashville area, and we'll try to get together for that life giving cup of coffee! LOL ;)
I never stated that I would approve of women, you're the one showing where your head is...directly up your behind. Women in ministry doesn't necessarily lead to the conclusion of "pastor." Get real, get honest, and please, find a better place for your head.
The issue in the SBC is specifically women as ‘Pastor’….not can women serve in ministry.