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  1. B

    Is a Fundamentalist an Evangelical?

    Our profs at Maranatha (92-95) said Evangelical was the broader group including Fundamentalists. But Fundamentalists believe in secondary separation, separate from anyone who will not leave a corrupt denomination.
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    Dennis Quaid's conversion
  3. B

    Dennis Quaid's conversion

    I have read at least 40 sources and no one mentions Mormon. He talks clearly about his personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
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    To put a smile on your face today...

    This is a well known fact n Minnesota.
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    Should We Donate to Winos and Junkies?

    This is my philosophy, almost verbatim. I'd rather get to heaven and God say "Ah, you're that guy who gave a dollar to 359 homeless people" in contrast to getting there and Jesus saying "I was standing on a street corner once and had a cardboard sign and you looked the other way. So, I give a...
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    What books, if any are you reading, or have you read in the past year

    You have the most fascinating book reading tastes.
  7. B

    What books, if any are you reading, or have you read in the past year

    The Coddling of he American Mind. Communion with God - John Owen The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment -Jeremiah Burroughs From heaven he came and sought her: Definite Atonement in Historical, Biblical, Theological, and Pastoral Perspective Father, Son and Holy Spirit -Bruce Ware. Riding for...
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    Where are they now? part 1

    Where is Jack Schaap?
  9. B

    Shocking Interview with Son of Steve Anderson

    This was page one at Protestia.
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    Shocking Interview with Son of Steve Anderson

    Heretic, using the NIV. JK.
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    The Fix Is In

    I worked as Treasurer for a man who ran for US House in 2016. It is the district Ilhan Omar is in. I can tell you without reservation, politics is corrupt through and through. I was asked to run aganst Keith Ellison, Ilhan Omar's predecessor. I refused, knowing that the deck was stacked. Our...
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    Jobs While You Were in College:

    I worked as a driver's helper for UPS.
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    Jobs While You Were in College:

    I pastored a church, salary unspecified (Y'all would be jealous).
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    Jobs While You Were in College:

    I was pulpit supply on weekends, making anywhere from $220 to $800 per weekend.
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    Jobs While You Were in College:

    I worked first as a pre-loader then a part time Supervisor for UPS in Watertown, WI.
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    Jobs While You Were in College:

    Sorry, I posted all my undergraduate jobs in one post. Graduate school next. Worked in an institution with mentally retarded individuals. The legal description of someone with an IQ less than 70 is mentally retarded, and we were required to call them that.
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    Jobs While You Were in College:

    I cleaned a bar, the Moose club ($9/day), at 6am 7 days a week. I washed dishes at the Country Club (3.35/hour). I was a Math Statistics tutor ($3.35/hour). I worked with Mentally retarded individuals in a group home ($3.55/hour). I worked as a cook at McDonalds ($3.55/hour). I was a college...
  18. B

    Shocking Interview with Son of Steve Anderson

    In the OT, of course, they stones homosexuals, or at least were suppose to. So Stevie boy takes that belief, and ties it to the doctrine of the priesthood of believers. And he comes out with this, "We as NT believers should hold to OT Cultural prohibitions, and carry out OT punishments. Thus if...
  19. B

    David Baker arrested

    I hear about him all the time. And not here. I have a friend who graduated from HAC in 1985 I think. He's old now, but if I mention some passage or some doctrine, he'll say "Oh yeah, Brother Hyles preached a message on that once." And he constantly mentions "my mentor", without saying a name. I...
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    I am back @abcaines @voicecrying

    I am back @abcaines @voicecrying