The Fix Is In


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May 17, 2021
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Western Hemisphere
Taking this data from Mr. Richman’s study, Just Facts calculated that noncitizens gave President Joe Biden an additional 33,000 to 69,000 votes in Arizona in 2020.
President Biden won that state by less than 11,000 votes, which means that if these figures are accurate, noncitizen votes theoretically gave the state to President Biden.
Another study Just Facts published on Nov. 8, 2020, looked at all of the states where President Biden beat former President Donald Trump, and estimated that if noncitizen voting was eliminated, President Trump would have gained a total of 259 to 285 electoral votes instead of his final results of 232.
There comes a time when all a child of God can do is pray and endeavor to do the right thing. I am convinced that the United States is under divine judgment and such may very well be the result of such. All we can do is trust in God's sovereignty and so long as we have the power and ability to do so, we need to get out and vote.

We should also go out and evangelize those who are storming across our borders!

...the countdown to the election is the countdown to November 05.
This is sheer ignorance. As of approximately one week ago, this was the news: “Election Day is 100 days away, but some voters could cast their ballot in half that time.”
In fact, “Election Day” is a dead concept. The Election Period is what matters.
Excluding August 22, from the time the convention ends, there are 15 days until voting begins. That’s when Kamala’s “honeymoon” gets its second wind:
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...the countdown to the election is the countdown to November 05.
This is sheer ignorance. As of approximately one week ago, this was the news: “Election Day is 100 days away, but some voters could cast their ballot in half that time.”
In fact, “Election Day” is a dead concept. The Election Period is what matters.
Excluding August 22, from the time the convention ends, there are 15 days until voting begins. That’s when Kamala’s “honeymoon” gets its second wind:
I agree with you, Aaron. The voting period here in Tennessee is a significant time. The Democrats are registering their voters in the graveyards here...registering illegals with identities of dead people. This is a sad reality. And then there is the problem of illegals voting under their names and then those of the deceased allowing them to vote at least twice. I don't see any way of preventing this except to have a nationwide identity card. God help us in this country!

Of course they will. The machinery they installed for the 2020 steal is still in place. The problem is that Bidung has become unable to muster enough legitimate votes to mask it. That's why they couped him. Scamala may not serve them any better, but there is a Plan B.

A recent joint CISA and FBI press release warned of potential “attacks on election infrastructure that support election operations, which could hinder public access to election information.” This was immediately followed by assurances that these attacks would “not impact the security or integrity of election processes.” Essentially, the same FBI that raided President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home and recently cast doubt on whether he was actually shot is now telling us that, although we may not have live access to election night results—an unprecedented situation in American history, especially just four years after a highly controversial election—we can trust the results whenever they eventually appear on our television sets without question.
Democrat Congressman Jamie Raskin has also revealed what appears to be a Plan B in the event the CISA/FBI election night plan that is disguised as a “warning” fails to prevent a Trump victory.
it should be no surprise that democrats will cheat in november... . ....election fraud is something they have been known for since the civil war.. ..... .mark twain even wrote about it in one of his stories of working on a mississippi river boat...... he said on one occasion he helped the captain remove the body of a traveller - who died on the river during a colera epidemic - and take him to a morgue in the nearest town.... ... ...

he said the coroner only asked them 2 questions about the man... what was his name... . and what was his political affiliation... ..... when they asked why the politics were important the coroner replied..
"because if the man was a democrat we have to bury him head first and face down... .otherwise he will climb out of the grave and vote on election day".....
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The DNC clearly states its goal in their memo:
...the DNC announced a significant six-figure investment in Democrats VoteFromAbroad, for the first time ever in a Presidential cycle, helping fund their efforts to win the votes of approximately 9,000,000 Americans– of which only about 8% are registered voters from 2020 – who are living or serving outside of the United States.
Here's the problem...only 4.4 million US citizens reside overseas, and only 2.8 million of those are of voting age.
US Citizens in the USA who would like to register to vote must share the last four digits of their social security number and/or provide a driver’s license or state-issued ID.
UOCAVA voters, however, can bypass the requirement to share the last four digits of their social security number and/or provide a driver’s license or state-issued ID.
UOCAVA opens the door to unlimited foreign voter voting.
I worked as Treasurer for a man who ran for US House in 2016. It is the district Ilhan Omar is in. I can tell you without reservation, politics is corrupt through and through. I was asked to run aganst Keith Ellison, Ilhan Omar's predecessor. I refused, knowing that the deck was stacked. Our district is home to the Somali Towers in Minneapolis. It is a well known fact that there are an additional 4000-5000 votes cast from that location, and every single one is democrat. Which is amazing because Muslims loath abortion, and Democrats in MN believe in abortion, even late term abortion.