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    Christian Attire - The 90% Rule

    Ask Elisabeth Elliot, and Jim Elliot for that matter. In the Ecuadorian jungle, women were naked. They did not make them get dressed.
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    Different Response from Different Group

    Committing adultery does not make one a fraud. It makes one a sinner. Committing incest or sexual abuse of a minor makes one a perverted wretch who should be emasculated.
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    Where are they?

    I was Torrent v.2, Bob, Winston,
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    David Baker arrested

    I've taught my daughter and wife to defend themselves. In the use of a firearm, they know that the best defense is to empty the weapon into the center of the space of the attacker. Especially my daughter, I took to the range, then to the woods hunting, and had her practice firing a powerful...
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    David Baker arrested

    Are you kidding? You are making absolute, clear, powerful sense. You are such a clear communicator. I think you should write a book. As for the analogy of a glass container and an iron one, it is apt. I have dealt for years with individuals who were abused and then turned to drugs or alcohol...
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    The Girl(s)

    I've done this in the past. However, I have only resurrected threads that I originally started or was an integral part in the discussion, albeit under a different name. In the Old FFF, I had many names.
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    Where are they?

    In the original FFF you were AVL
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    The Girl(s)

    It is not illegal. However, people in the "Abuse" culture call it Adult Clergy Sexual Abuse, or ACSA. Read this transcript of a podcast. It is very strange how far abuse can be taken. This was an adult woman who had an affair with a pastor and puts the whole thing down to abuse, even though...
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    Do you remember when.....

    I went to Penn State University and there was a street preacher there who would call girls who wore shorts whores. He regularly said he did not sin. He played verbal games, pointing to 1 John 3:6 "Whosoever abideth in him sinneth not: whosoever sinneth hath not seen him, neither known him."
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    Christian Attire - The 90% Rule

    He must be a Muslim.
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    David Baker arrested

    Unless this happened and you were there, there is no answer to this. Hypotheticals are what the Pharisees tried to use on Jesus.
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    David Baker arrested

    My original point is this: you asked Question. If a woman is ever sexually assaulted in any way shape or form is there any way possible she can bare some of the blame? That is a loaded question. If I say yes, she bears some of the blame, you will recite Social Justice warriors ranting and...
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    Should Christians Eat Whataburgers???

    I like Manny's myself.
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    Your Favorite Chapel Songs

    It's funny because Wesley wrote it and it is a Calvinist song. ong my imprisoned spirit lay, Fast bound in sin and nature's night Thine eye diffused a quickening ray I woke, the dungeon flamed with light My chains fell off, my heart was free I rose, went forth, and followed Thee
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    Public nudity is never condemned in the Bible or by Jesus, so would do Christians condemn it

    They all make my point. It's like saying The bible does not condemn shooting up heroin. No, but there are hundreds of things, that, put together, militate against it.
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    Where are they?

    Why did you change your name?
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    David Baker arrested

    Like when Bill Hybels invited a married woman to travel with him for ministry, then invited her into his room for drinks and they had sex and 20 years later she claims it was unwanted?
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    Jobs While You Were in College:

    My kids say "Dad, is there anything you have not done?"
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    David Baker arrested

    You know that if someone says "The woman is .0001% at fault," that you will blast them with all kinds of arguments showing them to be a fool for defending sick sinful men. I'm not saying if they are guilty one way or another, but your method of discussing tires me out. Rather, if someone asks...
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