I’ve known very few people who openly admit to believing in the idea of predestination. In the circles I grew up in, admission to Calvinism was on par with joining the Catholic Church. (I took some heat for attending Catholic school, but back in those days, there wasn’t a viable alternative nearby, and the public schools in the area weren’t the best. Fast forward thirty years and they do have some good Baptist-affiliated schools where I grew up.)
Anyway, I say all that to say this: as a kid, I didn’t know anyone who admitted to being a Calvinist—at my church or school. My first interaction with a Calvinist was a professor of a religious course I took in college—an elective course, I believe. He’s probably been deceased for years because I think he was near 80 years old way back then, but I definitely remember him for three things: being elderly, being a former Bob Jones University instructor and for being a Calvinist. Back in those days, I pretty much hated anything related to BJU, so I couldn’t believe it when I was sitting in a secular college classroom with a former professor from Bob Jones! I had a brief sidebar conversation with him once after class about predestination and I’ll never forget a comment he made. It went something like this: “Think about every Christian family you’ve ever known, with around an average of three or four kids per family. In every family, there always seems to be a couple of kids who go on to serve the Lord, but then there’s always that one kid who is called the “black sheep,” and she or he just always seems to be in trouble and not follow the same path as the siblings. That’s most likely the non-elected family member.” Many thoughts went through my head, but I left our conversation at that and went on to my next scheduled class.
The second example is a guy I grew up with in IFB church. He was a couple grades ahead of me. Extremely intelligent and talented guy. Whatever he did he was great at: academics, sports, singing, etc. He went on to become a theology professor at a private college in the South. It’s probably been close to fifteen years since we last interacted, but he had become such a staunch Calvinist that he seemed almost smug and indifferent about any type soul winning. I’m paraphrasing here, but he basically indicated that if he shares the Gospel with someone and they don’t accept it, then he’s done his job and that person probably wasn’t elected for salvation to begin with.
In both examples, I left the conversation thinking what a dark, twisted, depressing and diminutive view of God and the Scriptures. I’m no theologian, but I don’t know how in good conscience I could ever go up to a stranger and share with them the most famous verse of the Bible (John 3:16) without thinking it might not apply to the person I’m speaking to.