What are you listening to right now?

Pardon Me, O My God - Anabaptist Martyr Hymn


A hymn written by Tieleman J. van Braght, a Dutch Mennonite elder who wrote the Martyrs' Mirror, a record of the lives of over 4,000 16th century Anabaptist-Mennonites who were tortured and died for their biblical beliefs, under the hands of both Roman Catholics and magisterial Protestants.

My Saviour First Of All (hymn) - Fanny J. Crosby


Video Description:

There ap­peared in Lon­don a man who styled him­self the mes­si­ah, and for ma­ny weeks a large crowd was at­tract­ed to him. One night, how­ev­er, as he was talk­ing in one of the open squares in the city, a small band of the Sal­va­tion Ar­my passed along, sing­ing,

"I shall know Him, I shall know Him,
By the print of the nails in His hand."
The great throng joined in the cho­rus. Fin­al­ly some­one point­ed at the self-styled Christ and said, "Look at his hands and see if the print of the nails is there." They did as di­rect­ed, but no print ap­peared, and they at once left off fol­low­ing him.
I have what's called "Perpetual Music Track" - a syndrome where you always have music running in your head 24/7, and you can't turn it off.  It doesn't usually bother me, but sometimes it drives me crazy and I just want it to stop.  I'll have the same song running for hours or even days until something triggers a different song.  For example, I saw the word "sandman" a few days ago, and instantly the music track changed to "Mr. Sandman" for hours.  Right now I have the following song (below) running.

Interesting trivia about this song, which was written by Eric Clapton and George Harrison: (From Wikipedia) "During the production transfer for the album Goodbye, the original music sheet was used to produce the liner notes and track listing. The only discernible word on the page was "bridge" (indicating the song's bridge section). Due to Harrison's handwriting, however, Clapton misread it as 'badge' — and the song was titled soon thereafter."

Cream - Badge