What are you listening to right now?

As impressive as your overwhelming stupidity, Vinny Jr. If YOU were the only representative of Christianity to the world, everyone would CHOOSE Hell over spending eternity with you 💋 my behind
Well, it is hard to miss, since all you do is sit and watch tv all day.
Something is being scraped off something in this thread, for sure.
Hey now...I tried to get all the doodie off my boots when I came in, but he stuck to some of bottoms.
it;s on my noise cancelling wifi headphones while i;m moving around the house getting
stuff done i didn;t do yesterday..... . the spooky chilling music is kind of appropriate
since dinner dishes and pans from last night were all just dumped in the sink or left
on the kitchen counter....... we all got back late last night and were just too tired...
...... now the kitchen is haunted with the smells of food stuck to the dishes and trash

cans that were not taken out..👻... frightening job to do cleaning it all up.....😱

huaunted kitchen.jpeg

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I'm listening to the dishwasher running through its cycles in an otherwise quiet house. Mrs. abcaines is doing Costco shopping and I return to work in an hour.