We need a good topic to fight over.

Work has been slow and I've been reading online, going to baptist board and here and we need to stir up the natives here and get some good discussions aka fights going.
Is this a challenge?

Here's a good question:

If genitals don't define gender, how does removing them affirm it?
Here's a good question:

If genitals don't define gender, how does removing them affirm it?

Talk to a trans person for that answer. They know better than I would because they speak from experience and my answer isn't. From my conversations with trans folks, it is the matching of genitalia with the brain that helps them adjust to their internal identity.

And I do agree that until a child at least hits puberty, unless there is a psychological or physical need to do so, gender surgery should not be done on minors. But such a determination should be made between parents and medical professionals, not governmental lawmakers.
If you need to know about mental illness, go ask Napoleon. He's over there arguing with Jesus and George Washington about who gets to run the booby hatch.

Ya know Napoleon didn't design his overcoat but he did have a hand in it!
Talk to a trans person for that answer.
Don't need to. It's a matter of logic - not someone's subjective feelings. The 2 parts of the sentence are contradictory claims and both are often espoused by those fighting for transgenderism.
Don't need to. It's a matter of logic - not someone's subjective feelings. The 2 parts of the sentence are contradictory claims and both are often espoused by those fighting for transgenderism.
Yeah, "logic" in the sense of someone who does not experience the incredible pain and rejection a trans person has to endure, both internally and externally.
In what hallucination is this a sense of "logic"?
Not yours (or mine for that matter). I'm not trans but I empathize with my trans friends who do experience this, whose logic it is to match their brain their bodies with their brain chemistry.
Not anybody's, for that matter.

Someone else's subjective experience is not logic, nor is it my job to pretend to experience it along with them.
I guess being an empath is not your spiritual gift.

How's that for mind-reading? LOL!
Whatever body parts an adult decides to amputate, however misguided, is their right. Children? Not so much.
Without medical and psychological advice, I am with you. Such a decision shouldn't be taken lightly or made too early in a child's life.

However, it isn't my call as to when others determine when is the right time for them.

Added: I believe this for parents of intersexed children as well. Sometimes parents want a boy or girl and have the surgery done too soon.
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However, it isn't my call as to when others determine when is the right time for them.
You posted the other day complaining about people who want to lower the legal age to get married. Why is that your call? If a 13 year old determines the time is right for them to get married, why do you oppose that?
You posted the other day complaining about people who want to lower the legal age to get married. Why is that your call? If a 13 year old determines the time is right for them to get married, why do you oppose that?

Because it is abuse TO minors. How many people you know at 13 who really want to get married at that age?

Concerning surgery, again I don't think the decision should be left up to the minors themselves. I think there should be both medical and mental counseling along with parental guidance.

Child marriage is abuse, not a decision made by a group of professionals within the realm of expertise to determine what is right for the patient.
Child marriage is abuse, not a decision made by a group of professionals within the realm of expertise to determine what is right for the patient.
That’s based on your modern societal norms, but if you had lived a hundred years ago, it wouldn’t necessarily be true. In fact, I had a great grandmother who was married at 14 years of age and another who was married at 16. A hundred years ago in rural areas of the South, it wasn’t very uncommon for such practices.
Because it is abuse TO minors. How many people you know at 13 who really want to get married at that age?
Chopping off healthy body parts is abuse as well.

I've known kids at much younger ages say they want to get married right then. We laugh it off. Why is it OK to take a 13 year old seriously when he or she wants to change genders?

I've also known little kids say they wanted to be the other gender but are perfectly happy in their scientific gender as adults.