We need a good topic to fight over.

Apologies for the long delay in responding Gringo.....

Gone chopin. Bach in a minuet


Did you take a chopin liszt with you?
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I rarely hear anything from John Piper now. Not that I dislike him or anything, just that there are so many other good Bible teachers and preachers that have had my ear these days.
He stopped full time pastoring 10 years ago, at 66, as opposed to MacArthur who is still preaching weekly at about 85.
If you’re a Free Willy you are really a closet Open Theist.
Oh yeah? You remind me of Greg Boyd.
Oh yeah? You remind me of Greg Boyd.
Funny story about Greg Boyd.

My son was in a local church that had Boyd speak occasionally. He said, "Oh, Dad, he's a great speaker." I was hesitant, but I said to him, "Be careful, he holds some things that are not good historic Christian views." And I left it at that.

Today, he is interning at a church where a guy who used teach at MacArthur's Master's Seminary, and sees that Boyd is a total wack. He said my few words, just warning him without bashing his church helped get him on the path.
Funny story about Greg Boyd.

My son was in a local church that had Boyd speak occasionally. He said, "Oh, Dad, he's a great speaker." I was hesitant, but I said to him, "Be careful, he holds some things that are not good historic Christian views." And I left it at that.

Today, he is interning at a church where a guy who used teach at MacArthur's Master's Seminary, and sees that Boyd is a total wack. He said my few words, just warning him without bashing his church helped get him on the path.

That’s pretty cool.

TLDR; (my combative attitude in apologetics had a course-correction)

I had one of those moments once and n my militant IFB days with my recently converted older brother, only my lack of discernment and sensitivity led me to spill too many words for any good thing yo come from it.

He’s married to a practicing Roman Catholic (which he is also now a member of too), and at one point long ago he had what I believe to be clearly a born/again experience (too long to detail here). Shortly after his conversion he began asking me theological questions (and attending the RC church with his wife). He’s always been the proverbial doubting Thomas type, asking provocative and probing questions of a devil’s advocate variety. In one of those early post-conversion (but pre-conversion to RC) conversations he made the statement that “all three major monotheistic religions were essentially the same”, to which I aggressively corrected him in a harsh manner. That conversation didn’t end well. He told me months later that he was merely testing my knowledge-base, respected me as a teacher, but that my brutish attitude turned him off a bit of my version/practice of Christianity. It was one of those moments of epiphany in my deconversion from the militant aspect (as I had understood it to that point) of fundamentalism.
That’s pretty cool.

TLDR; (my combative attitude in apologetics had a course-correction)

I had one of those moments once and n my militant IFB days with my recently converted older brother, only my lack of discernment and sensitivity led me to spill too many words for any good thing yo come from it.

He’s married to a practicing Roman Catholic (which he is also now a member of too), and at one point long ago he had what I believe to be clearly a born/again experience (too long to detail here). Shortly after his conversion he began asking me theological questions (and attending the RC church with his wife). He’s always been the proverbial doubting Thomas type, asking provocative and probing questions of a devil’s advocate variety. In one of those early post-conversion (but pre-conversion to RC) conversations he made the statement that “all three major monotheistic religions were essentially the same”, to which I aggressively corrected him in a harsh manner. That conversation didn’t end well. He told me months later that he was merely testing my knowledge-base, respected me as a teacher, but that my brutish attitude turned him off a bit of my version/practice of Christianity. It was one of those moments of epiphany in my deconversion from the militant aspect (as I had understood it to that point) of fundamentalism.
Oh man. That hurts. Especially it being your brother. My brother is an unbeliever, and I have fasted occasionally and prayed for him almost daily to come to Christ for 39 years. Even if your brother attends a RC church, he could be truly saved. Mine rejects God entirely.
Oh man. That hurts. Especially it being your brother. My brother is an unbeliever, and I have fasted occasionally and prayed for him almost daily to come to Christ for 39 years. Even if your brother attends a RC church, he could be truly saved. Mine rejects God entirely.

Yeah, I believe him to be a brother in Christ, just in the wrong assembly. He asked me to be at his baptism. That was a HARD choice, but I went.

I hear you about your brother. One of my other brothers made a profession of faith at one of our invitations years ago but fell away not long afterward, now claiming to be a Deist. And my father was a lifelong alcoholic, but I hold slivers of hope in my heart (stories to be told at another time).
Ugh...not a fan!
I am not a big fan, but I can tell you this, my son, who was in a Greg Boyd type church (Greg Boyd spoke there at times) finally was mentored by a MacArthur guy, and now at least he has some backbone, theologically. So I appreciate John MacArthur to that extent.
Hmmm, there's a Geocentrism thread we could revisit...🌎
Not interested at all. You could go over to the BB and argue Penal Substitutionary Atonement with JonC, the moderator. He closed my thread when I opposed him.

I'll just say that FSSL and Ransom would run that place much better. The problem is that they don't have that kind of time. That guys spends 6-8 hours/day online.