christundivided said:
Modern extreme fundamentalism is dead. I say good riddance. I don't owe them anything. I don't have a tattoo. I don't listen to "Taylor Swift", I'm not "knocking back" beers while singing "99 bottles of beer on the wall". The "parallels" you draw are silly. I'll praise my Master for the good things He's given me.
Keep on "heaping" your "back door" praise on someone else. This is a "fundamental" problem with most people who claim to be "fundamentalists". You don't really want "praise" or "thankfulness" to go where it belongs. You all want it yourselves. I've never been more sick of "pastor" appreciation dinners, parties, meetings and the like. Seems like every time I turn around I know someone that's going to another one.....somewhere for someone. I'm sure Jesus might be just a little jealous. After all.....I have read that He is a jealous God.
Where was the "back door praise" in that article? I'm not for praising men. I'm trying to start a movement among independent Baptists to take a stand against preacher worship. I was by no means trying to say that we should be heaping praise on the pastors from our past.
What I was saying was that we should be patient with them and grateful for them. Gratitude is not the same thing as praise or worship.
Maybe you had a IFBx pastor who was a gospel destroying, Bible replacing, narcissistic dictator. I know some existed. I also know that the vast majority of those who are whining about fundamentalism probably weren't pastored by those men, but by humble (if not confused) pastors who were just trying to do the right thing by God and their church. I have a feeling their are a lot of thirty-five year old evangelicals who still haven't gotten over their parents forbidding them to see Rambo or their Christian school making them wear a tie everyday.
Grow up. Love Jesus. Love His Word. Give the grace you are expecting. That's all I'm saying.