Things I've Learned on the FFF!

aleshanee said:
prophet said:
Mathew Ward said:
I don't know any pastors who think the service is about them and their teaching, I'm sure they are in the church just as they are in the round table discussions.

Now when you are sitting around the table and sharing are the women allowed to speak or ask questions?
1Co 14:35
35 And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home:for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.

Pretty simple.

so what;s the point then?.... ???..... i mean... for us women ... or more specifically single women..... when it comes to choosing between a large congregational church with one pastor speaking from a pulpit... as opposed to a home based, sit around a table church, where everybody.... (or as it now appears.. ...only all the men)... talk and give testimony as they see fit?............ if my only option.. as a female... is to sit there quietly and listen, either way.. then personally i would rather listen to just one man speak speak from a pulpit.. rather than have to endure the possible back and forth banter of a whole bunch of them arguing at a table........  ::) ........... especially if some of the male proponents of such kitchen table churches here are any example of what i could expect to have to listen to..........

so... i guess you could say i learned from this fff not to worry about it.... and that i was doing it right in the first place........  8)

The reason the 'male proponents of this everybody has a song, word, magic trick or a yodel' comes from some who couldn't get anyone to listen to them any other way.
'Listening' to them here, I can understand why, can't you?  :D
4everfsu said:
Tarheel Baptist said:
Binaca Chugger said:
I learned that many of the people I grew up idolizing are actually criminals.

The (IFB)Pastors I grew up greatly respecting are represented by pictures in my office.

And the post office!

That was funny....for a change!  :D
I've learned that if I wonder what the right answer is to almost any question, I can ask Mater and go with the opposite.
And usually be safe!
Tarheel Baptist said:
The reason the 'male proponents of this everybody has a song, word, magic trick or a yodel' comes from some who couldn't get anyone to listen to them any other way.
'Listening' to them here, I can understand why, can't you?  :D

The real irony is that for somebody who complains SO much that the Theater Model Autrocrat does not allow or cooperate with other <dissenting or "qualified"/"gifted"> voices he sure don't seem to model that which he verbally champions by addressing challenges to his goofiness.
The Rogue Tomato said:
If it's something you do for a living, then the record of what someone did in the Bible is as good as a command for us to do the same.

1 Cor. 9:8-14:
Do I say these things on human authority? Does not the Law say the same? For it is written in the Law of Moses, “You shall not muzzle an ox when it treads out the grain.” Is it for oxen that God is concerned? Does he not certainly speak for our sake? It was written for our sake, because the plowman should plow in hope and the thresher thresh in hope of sharing in the crop. If we have sown spiritual things among you, is it too much if we reap material things from you? If others share this rightful claim on you, do not we even more?

Nevertheless, we have not made use of this right, but we endure anything rather than put an obstacle in the way of the gospel of Christ. Do you not know that those who are employed in the temple service get their food from the temple, and those who serve at the altar share in the sacrificial offerings? In the same way, the Lord commanded that those who proclaim the gospel should get their living by the gospel
Tarheel Baptist said:
I've learned that if I wonder what the right answer is to almost any question, I can ask Mater and go with the opposite.
And usually be safe!

You mean what they taught you in preacher school and what the Bible actually says are different?  I'm shocked.
That Paul Chappell is exactly like Shelton Smith except for all the things they do differently. And Frag thinks Paul Chappell is a liberal kompromiser, but Smith is a solid fundamentalist.

The difference is obviously the use of color in printing their publications.
The Rogue Tomato said:
Tarheel Baptist said:
I've learned that if I wonder what the right answer is to almost any question, I can ask Mater and go with the opposite.f
And usually be safe!

You mean what they taught you in preacher school and what the Bible actually says are different?  I'm shocked.

When the facts are against you, just pretend they're not....and really dumb people might be fooled.
That God is not a Calvinist....He's up there wondering what everybody down here is going to do next!  ;)
That God is still anointing Kings and Prophets.  ???
Just because the Bible doesn't say something, reference something or illustrate something doesn't mean it's not The prescribed Bible way of doing it. You just have to use your 3 guesses and wild imagination!
Those that run 25 to 150 in church are doing "it" the right way, while those churches that run 500 or more are a bunch of compromising, CCM loving, liberals.
Christ only endorses hymns since so many churches claim that their music is "Christ honoring"
Billy said:
Christ only endorses hymns since so many churches claim that their music is "Christ honoring"

But Hymns are all about "Him" ....  8)
Billy said:
Christ only endorses hymns since so many churches claim that their music is "Christ honoring"

Old Fashioned, Christ honoring music to be exact!  :)
Billy said:
Those that run 25 to 150 in church are doing "it" the right way, while those churches that run 500 or more are a bunch of compromising, CCM loving, liberals.

25 to 150!
I'd love to see that kitchen table!  :)
I have learned that is considered a godly attribute to make proclamations of judgement regarding subjects to which you are totally ignorant.
stuff fundies like is honest, open, and non much as the fundies they criticize!
Tarheel Baptist said:
stuff fundies like is honest, open, and non much as the fundies they criticize!

SFL is for ungodly folks