I haven't been able to keep up with all the vaccine conspiracy theories. Where, according to those who say the vaccine is a nefarious plot to deliberately kill or at least sicken us all, does our man Trump fit into the picture? After all, he claims credit for developing the vaccine and is urging everyone to be inoculated with it. It would appear that either Trump is a willing participant in this vast conspiracy (if it really does exist), or else he is a deluded, pathetic dupe and does not know what is really going on. Either supposition would not appear to be very complimentary to Trump.
I am already aware that there are many conservatives who reject the vaccine and who never really supported Trump. Chuck Baldwin would be an example of this - his latest pronouncement, dated July 15, 2021, is that "Anyone - Republican or Democrat - who promotes the Covid vaccines is a tool of antichrist. This is the satanic assault of our lifetimes." That sounds a bit extreme to me, so I am not going to post the link - anyone who wants to read the whole thing can go to the "Chuck Baldwin Live" web site and read it there. I am basically an admirer of Chuck but I do not endorse him on this particular issue.