The Marriage of David and Jonathan

David committed both adultery and murder, so maybe it’s not a stretch to believe that he was playing for both the offense and defense.
David and Jonathan were Jews and it's true that they had to have known about the Levitical punishment for same sex, sex. They also had to have known about the story of Sodom. While I do feel that it is probable that they loved one another more than most would love another man, I find it highly unlikely and in fact, I don't believe that in that era, they would have openly "married" one another. That's just wishful thinking on the part of this rabbi - I don't know if he's the same one that came up with 7 or 8 sexual orientations but nevertheless, I don't put any stock in this marriage idea.

Today's society is so sexy crazed that the concept of love necessarily involves sex.
David committed both adultery and murder, so maybe it’s not a stretch to believe that he was playing for both the offense and defense.
As long as you’re speculating about what the Scriptures NEVER stated maybe you you would like to imply he was a child molestor too?

Then, after that wild pontification a case could be made for NAMBLA’s moral legitimacy?
As long as you’re speculating about what the Scriptures NEVER stated maybe you you would like to imply he was a child molestor too?

Then, after that wild pontification a case could be made for NAMBLA’s moral legitimacy?
You’re being a little dramatic.

I said, according to the Bible, he’s a murderer and adulterer. Based on those two items alone, why is it a stretch to think he’s not guilty of other significant sins? In my mind, a homosexual relationship is far less egregious than MURDER!
David committed both adultery and murder, so maybe it’s not a stretch to believe that he was playing for both the offense and defense.

Actually, it is a stretch. "David committed murder and adultery in pursuit of a woman, so it's plausible he was bisexual" is a textbook non sequitur.
Actually, it is a stretch. "David committed murder and adultery in pursuit of a woman, so it's plausible he was bisexual" is a textbook non sequitur.
I’m guessing Acts 13:22 is why people are having a hissy fit about this. The man committed murder and adultery. I’m not sure why the prospect of him having a sexual relationship with a man makes him so unpalatable when we know he’s already guilty of murder…but whatever.
’m not sure why the prospect of him having a sexual relationship with a man makes him so unpalatable when we know he’s already guilty of murder…but whatever.

Because there's an awful lot of work between "He committed murder" and "therefore, he was gay" that you haven't shown. Your logic is nonexistent. Simple as that.
Smilin is a Christian who has turned into a reprobate with a hardened heart against God, but he still has the right to post here if he’s following the forum rules. I swear some people on here ought to just purchase their own forum and post sanctimonious drivel back and forth to himself.
I would argue that he is an apostate who does have as much right to post her as the admins give him. I don’t mind his drivel since this place has been a repository for drivel from posters like him for all the years I’ve been here.

He was reared in the Hyles version of Baptist fundamentalism and saw it for what it was. He has been on a downward spiral for many years and, like too many victims of Xerism, ended up as an apostate.

Don’t the people complaining about him have the same right to post their thoughts and opinions as he does? At least until you purchase your own forum and invite us to post our drivel there.
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You’re being a little dramatic.

I said, according to the Bible, he’s a murderer and adulterer. Based on those two items alone, why is it a stretch to think he’s not guilty of other significant sins? In my mind, a homosexual relationship is far less egregious than MURDER!
It is poor biblical exegesis and fallacious logic. The other day you said you wanted the preacher to only give you things that were explicitly true. How would you like it if your preacher used the kind of logic and pretzel-twisting that you are using here for a sermon?
Because there's an awful lot of work between "He committed murder" and "therefore, he was gay" that you haven't shown. Your logic is nonexistent. Simple as that.
I don’t really feel the “need” to prove anything. It wasn’t my theory or even topic thread to begin with. I’m just saying if a guy’s capable of adultery and murder, I wouldn’t put anything past him. At the end of the day, no one knows for sure either way.
It is poor biblical exegesis and fallacious logic. The other day you said you wanted the preacher to only give you things that were explicitly true. How would you like it if your preacher used the kind of logic and pretzel-twisting that you are using here for a sermon?
If the preacher said “this is a theory,” I’d be fine with it. If he said it’s factual, I’d be unhappy. It seems the rabbi or preacher or whoever it was that Smellin posted, was signaling it as theoretical. I understand people are losing their minds because David was called a “man after God’s heart,” but he also did some very wicked deeds.
About two nights ago, it was late at night and I was thinking about this thread. I was outside waiting on my ride to pick me up and I thought the very same thing you have posted before you posted it. . People don't seem to have a problem with the fact that David was a murderer or adulterer or schemer but that he possibly had a romantic relationship with another man: HADES no! Considering the description given between the two men, it isn't unrealistic to realize that indeed, it could have been homosexual in nature. That David had a homosexual relationship does not mean that he did not have heterosexual relationships. He very well could have been bisexual. It is said that Alexander the Great - the great warrior, was too.
In fact, that could be said for all the disciples, except Judas.

Maybe Smellin's got it right.

Our services should be celebrations of gay orgies.

After all, the only thing one is saying when he says he's gay, is he likes sex with men.
Don’t the people complaining about him have the same right to post their thoughts and opinions as he does? At least until you purchase your own form and invite us to post our drivel there?
You are right. I may have come across a bit harshly. I don't think SC should be banished from the FFF because of the drivel he posts (unless he starts posting nude pictures of himself 😱).
People don't seem to have a problem with the fact that David was a murderer or adulterer or schemer but that he possibly had a romantic relationship with another man: HADES no!

No one is trying to use David's murder or adultery to justify murder or adultery.

But they're using David's friendship with Jonathan to justify homosexuality.

The difference makes all the difference.