The insidious dangers of Muslim immigration

prophet said:
"Expect to be murdered (throwing stones is a form of execution. Period.), if you mock Islam.

I highly doubt anyone's intent was to "execute" anyone else.

LongGone is right. The street "preacher," Ruben Israel, is a professional crap disturber whose usual modus operandi is to come into a location with his merry band of followers, say or do something so offensive that it provokes a physical or violent response, and then claim they're being persecuted for Jesus.

He isn't being persecuted. He's suffering the natural consequences of being an insufferable jerk. I'm not defending the stone-throwing, but Ruben Israel got what he wanted.

In FSSL's defense, there have been legit cases of overreach against Christians in Dearborn. A few years back, Nabeel Qureshi, David Wood, and some others were arrested and jailed for disturbing the peace for evangelizing at an Arab street festival. After they were acquitted, the city had to apologize for violating their constitutional rights.

Go to Hell

Too far. Tone it down.