The Hypocrisy of Halloween and Fundamentalism

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Our numbers have gathered a few extremists over the years. She's the most memorable.

I can't remember the name of that other weird woman we had on the previous incarnation of the forum. Her particular obsession was with teenage girls wearing jeans.
I can't remember the name of that other weird woman we had on the previous incarnation of the forum. Her particular obsession was with teenage girls wearing jeans.
Was that Joan of Arc?
Nope. She's just unhinged. This person was in her right mind but swallowed the IFB Kool-aid, ice cubes, glass and all.
i was thinking grannylo...:unsure: .. ...but you said this person was in her right mind ....:rolleyes: .... .oh well..... there was also fullcourt.. she had major complaints about all kinds of things fff related..... she got really out of sorts once when i mention that her prefered attire for women... cullottes... were originally invented for men - argentinian cowboys.. or what they call gouchos..:sneaky:
Fullcourt's greatest accomplishment was that time she claimed in "Jesus Messiah," Chris Tomlin was singing "She became sin who knew no sin," because in one live performance, his vocals clip during the word "He."
Fullcourt's greatest accomplishment was that time she claimed in "Jesus Messiah," Chris Tomlin was singing "She became sin who knew no sin," because in one live performance, his vocals clip during the word "He."
i forgot about that.... it;s too bad she and dr koury weren;t on at the same time.... ..she could have freaked out over his middle eastern name... and he could have gone ape over her speaking up on the forum and violating 1st corinthians 14; 34.. (he had it in his head that somehow a christian forum was no different than church)..... ...but that was the problem with the truly deranged ones... they always seemed to take turns coming to the fff and going ballistic on us... instead of being here all together to go to war with each other...... .blessed union was another one that came in from time to time with a pet complaint.. . but i can;t remember what hers was.......
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As to the OP, after the fact:

I think Halloween as an American cultural event for kids is no big deal. Dress them up as one of the minions and have fun. It’s just not a big deal from the paranormal or occultic perspective on things. In my opinion, this is an area where a lot of people are majoring on the minors.

It’s not the kids and Halloween that are the problem…it’s the adults.

I think Halloween, as far as the kids go, can still be something innocent. But a word to you adults who have made it “dress like a porn star and act like one” night: You’re the ones making it dark. - James Emery White
LOL. That's when me and @AverageJoe got in a bar fight, came crashing through the window into the street, washed down the gutter into the storm drain and through the sewers into the sea.

Good times! :p
Those were the good ol' days, eh, Ekklesian?! LOL
I don't think it is hypocrisy but that would be relative I would guess.

My wife and I were immigration partners with a Sudanese refugee family, helping them adjust to life in the US. They are devout Catholic and I have nothing to do with the Catholic faith. When their daughter was born, they asked us to be her godparents. Because we were not Catholic, we were not allowed to be such but we decided to attend the baptism anyway, sitting through the entire mass.

Sometimes we do things that aren't our preference for the benefit of others. It may be hypocrisy or may not be. In the case you mentioned, I don't believe it to be hypocritical.
Growing up in a household in which my parents were not only fundamental Baptists, but Bob Jones University graduates, you can probably guess that Halloween was a no-go for us kids. However, in lieu of allowing the kids to dress up and go trick-or-treating, we instead “celebrated” Halloween by going out to eat at a kid-friendly restaurant, and then spending the night handing out mass amounts of candy to all of the kids trick or treating. So, it was okay to give out candy, but not receive candy, which kind of sucks when you’re ten, eleven or whatever years old.

Does this seem like the height of hypocrisy or am I misreading the situation? Thoughts? Comments?
Halloween used to be called All Saints Day. It is now a pagan holiday like Christmas and Easter.