qwerty said:
RAIDER said:
Bravo said:
Binaca Chugger said:
I believe the honorarium fees / offerings have become a matter of pride and generated a good-ol-boy system.
I wonder sometimes,... A smaller church or a financially struggling church having guest speakers on a fairly regular basis. What if a pastor just Pastored his own local church? What if there were no special offerings to cover "Conference costs" or travel arrangements? What if,...
What if IFB churches actually used evangelist instead of having all their buddy pastors come to preach for them?
It is usually just to get the pastor and their friends/family together on the church's dime; Maybe go hunting or fishing too.
Not at my church.
I enjoy when evangelists come, we usually have two revivals a year and some guest preachers & missionaries sprinkled around the revivals.
I pray about and usually choose someone I know is older and wiser than myself.
I tell the people that I need it as much as they do.
They hear preaching all the time, I need time to hear it too.
Also, I don't enjoy spending much time with the speaker and one of them got a little miffed with me b/c of it.
To be honest, I have 4 kids, drive a school bus, etc. etc., and I really don't enjoy having to babysit the guest speaker.
Usually when we go out to eat, I'll let the church pay for his and I personally pay for mine.
But we don't do that much b/c I can't afford it.
I usually cut the speaker a check for food commensurate of the size of their family and the length of their stay for food and kind of leave it at that.
We have a missions revival once a year and we save a certain amount for it out of the missions fund and take offerings each night b/c what was save usually cannot pay for both an evangelist and missionary love offerings.
We save a certain amount for guest missionaries so we rarely take offerings for missionaries when they come.
We don't have a lot of guest preachers and when we do, our general account can usually handle the cost.
Our revival speakers usually like coming to our church b/c we always give them a nice love offering for the size of our church, the people give generously b/c we don't take a lot of offerings during the year.
We also don't spend a lot of money for accommodations b/c we have a wonderful guest house on the property.
This enables us to give better love offerings.