Dear Sam's Club,
Thank you so much for selling car batteries at such a good price. Unfortunately for me, the battery you sold me was defective. Fortunately for me, you were, after two trips, able to determine that my battery had a dead cell, allowing you to honor my 3-year replacement warranty. Unfortunately for me, you tried to gouge me for an additional disposal fee, and then the difference in price from when I bought the battery until you decided you would honor my 3-year replacement warranty.
Fortunately for me, I have a couple of tenacious bulldogs to look out for my best interests. Fortunately for me, I did not have to pay any additional fees and now have a fully restored 3-year warranty.
Unfortunately for my tenacious bulldogs, they are out several hours of productive time and several dollars of fuel dealing with your incompetent customer service representatives. Fortunately for my tenacious bulldogs, they have built up treasures in Heaven, for not allowing me to reimburse them for their losses.
Unfortunately for you, Sam's Club, one of those tenacious bulldogs was planning to get his own Sam's Club membership...until he discovered you employ incompetent customer service representatives.
Also unfortunately for you, Sam's Club, I know a lot of people. And I will continue to relay this sad tale of customer service woe far and wide. It just might cost you more than the price of a defective battery...that you would have gotten your money back for, anyway.
Bleh, lnf.