The American Gulag

What did Vice President Mike Pence say after escaping from the homicidal Trumpies who were trying to hang him?

"No noose is good noose"

And, of course my mentioning of the gallows was not in reference to the fact that I thought they would actually use that prop in an intended hanging, but more likely that it represented the picture of a riotous crowd easily influenced and able to be whipped into a frenzy which could have been apt to follow a few goons lead, spiraling quickly downward towards heinous acts, all in the name of overzealous efforts to stop the steal.
"For the love of Mike." From what I have read, there were at least some people in that mob who would have liked to see the Vice President killed that day, to prevent him from certifying the electoral vote. And there appears to have been a definite intent of the mob to seize and destroy the electoral vote certifications from the various states, thus overturning the election, or at least attempting to do so. Whether or not such intent satisfies the legal definition of "insurrection," I don't know. I have a lawyer friend who is a Trumpie and who insists that this was not an "insurrection." I'm not a lawyer, so I guess I don't really know.

Meanwhile, do the folks who believe that Mike Pence had the constitutional authority to unilaterally overturn the results of the electoral vote, and award the election to the candidate of his choice, agree that Kamala Harris will have the same authority in January, 2025? If not, why not?