The American Gulag

Hopefully I will live long enough to see grandkids, and if I do I hope they see a witness from papaw that demonstrates that political activism pales in comparison to the eternally impactful work of spreading the gospel and building the kingdom. But in my spare time I’ll remind them that all the chicken-little-sky-is-falling handwringing over politics that they did back in my day never came to fruition.
Oily virtue helps the camel go down.
I followed the election quite closely and it seemed obvious from the beginning that Trump was going to lose. I did not want to believe it but here we are. As a Christian, I have to come to grips with the fact that however Biden got into office, he did so according to God's sovereign will and good pleasure and I have to rest in this. Its time that God's people divorce themselves from all the nonsense, remember that our citizenship is in Heaven, and stick to what truly matters!
And of course that's your Calvinism coming through. Your default position is anything that happens or occurs on the earth was God's good pleasure. And yet the Bible states God has no pleasure in the death of the wicked.

I will say this though.....I agree with you we need to focus on changing the spiritual state of men and we need to be careful not to become entangled in the things of this world. No matter who is the President or leader of their land should never devastate them or cause it to take away their joy. We need to lock into eternal things recognizing all things of this world are temporal.
Oily virtue helps the camel go down.
Well, at least we know where you stand on the relative importance of prioritization of the “oily” gospel over your political rights. Maybe someday when Reagan is reincarnated you’ll be able to choke some chunks of that bulky pesky gospel down.
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Have you not seen the videos of the police removing barricades and waving people in?
This still didn't make it legal...especially since the protestors knew the building was closed to the general public that day.
And we know where you stand on loving one's neighbor. (y)
Good to hear you’ve joined our progressive brethren and now will be in full support of legislating Mask Mandates in the name of loving your neighbor.😎
Good to hear you’ve joined our progressive brethren and now will be in full support of legislating Mask Mandates in the name of loving your neighbor.😎

Not sure if I can expect a more rational exchange with this engagement than I could with Witless Joe, but here goes . . .

Politics are all about when one can be justly deprived of life, liberty, or property. And the Gospel is not separate from that. The Commission is to go into all nations, teaching them to observe whatsoever Christ has commanded.

Your standing idly by, ostensibly for your superior devotion to your religion, while your neighbors are being victimized, is a sham. And Paul and Jesus agree with me.
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Not sure if I can expect a more rational exchange with this engagement than I could with Witless Joe, but here goes . . .

Politics are all about when one can be justly deprived of life, liberty, or property. And the Gospel is not separate from that. The Commission is to go into all nations, teaching them to observe whatsoever Christ has commanded.

Your standing idly by, ostensibly for your superior devotion to your religion, while you're neighbors are being victimized, is a sham. And Paul and Jesus agree with me.
I gave up on one-upmanship by put-downs for ego’s sake long ago. You’re the winner👏
I gave up on one-upmanship by put-downs for ego’s sake long ago. You’re the winner👏
I have considered it many times...but some people make one-upmanship look so attractive! :)