RAIDER said:
kaba said:
It just saddens me to see those that have been hurt by the abuse from HAC/FBC. So many have turned from the Lord and want nothing to do with "religion" I am so thankful for strong, balanced Christian parents. I was hurt in my own way at HAC, but nothing so bad to turn my heart from God. I have no patience for those that enabled the continual abuse from there.
I do believe there were some who were directly hurt by the "abuse" from HAC/FBCH. On the other hand, I think there are many who try and use this as their reason for being out of church and away from God.
I tried to, but the indwelling Creator asked me if I was angry at Him, and I told Him "no, only at people".
It wasn't possible for me to reject God, I am His son.
I learned, through my journeys, that I had something that my companions did not....and I weep for them.
I agree with Pittsburgher. Many of my peers claim some version of Atheism now, but I never once entertained the possibility that God didn't exist, love us, and express His love through His revealed Word.
My bitterness at men lasted a very short time, in the scope of my over 35 years in Christ...
just 4 years....and God asked me to do the unthinkable: forgive the poor tortured soul who sexually assaulted me.
But, God would never ask me to forgive J.Schaap, for hurting isn't my right.
I am to defend others, and forgive those who hurt me.
Huge difference!