Tales from the Tunnels


Well-known member
Jan 28, 2013
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A few years ago James Spurgeon wrote a book called "Tales from the Temple".  In this book he aired his problems with Longview Baptist Temple, Texas Baptist College, and Bob Gray.  He shared his stories.  I don't know Spurgeon, nor do I know if his stories are true.  I did read the book several years ago.

I thought it might be fun for us to have a thread titled "Tales from the Tunnels".  This will be a thread for you to share stories from your years at HAC/FBCH.  As always, one story per post.  Remember, it's all about the numbers!
My friends and I called Carol Frye's hugs.....cleavage clutches! :) Dont need to give stories, the title speaks for itself!! Sad part is Carol probably enjoyed it more than we knew!!
kaba said:
My friends and I called Carol Frye's hugs.....cleavage clutches! :) Dont need to give stories, the title speaks for itself!! Sad part is Carol probably enjoyed it more than we knew!!

And to think Teri use to beg for those hugs!!
I remember a guy livid at me, that I disrespected his wife. I told him, Buddy, I wouldnt know her if I saw her.
He wanted to fight, and invited me to, outside, Sunday night before church.  I told him "it may be the hardest thing you ever try to do in your life".  For some reason this confused him, and he walked away. 
A few weeks later, the Bible Club workers caught him with a teen at his house, while his poor disrespected wife was at the activity where she was supposed to be.

Could this thread be retitled "Gossip from the tunnels?"  :p
kaba said:
My friends and I called Carol Frye's hugs.....cleavage clutches! :) Dont need to give stories, the title speaks for itself!! Sad part is Carol probably enjoyed it more than we knew!!
My, aren't you in a snarky mood today? Is John Mark hitting the Binaca again?
kaba said:
My friends and I called Carol Frye's hugs.....cleavage clutches! :) Dont need to give stories, the title speaks for itself!! Sad part is Carol probably enjoyed it more than we knew!!

Wait! Didn't they have rules about this kind of thing at hac???  Thinking about this is making me go blind!!!
I needed to laugh I'm glad I don't have ice tea in my hand.......... 8)
With these Tales From the Tunnels I make a very reserved return to the forums. I stopped posting about a year and a half ago but since then, I have been to the South Hallway desk and filled out pink, blue, yellow and green permission slips in triplicate. All slips have been now been signed by the head hacker, Raider, and I passed hair check, after having only failed once. lol

-So I return on a limited basis to add to the stories that make up our memories from Hyles Anderson College.

I add a disclaimer before I post. I hold no ill will or have any bitter feeling toward anyone that might be mentioned. I loved the college and still hold Dr. Hyles in high regard. But hey, it was college. Some of the  staff and faculty did things that were odd or strange or sometimes even down right rude. But then we students did things that others thought were odd or strange or even down right rude. So, if it’s a real embarrassing story, we might change the names.

So the stories are here. You’ll learn
-Why Marty Braemer was never made a bus captain.
-How to get your division leader to dump his food from McDonald’s in the trash barely eaten.
-Why you never wanted to work off your 2 hours of demerit work for Mr. Jeff Hawkins in the dining hall.
-Why you should go to some staff men for hair check and not to others
-What happened when the college decided that dormitory men should clean their own bathrooms.
-About Bro. Bill Grady
-About Jim Alter
-About Benjie Fuller
-More about Bill Grady

So let’s get started

Breakfast on the Bus

My 2nd semester as a freshman I joined a bus route in Division 6. It was a great time to be in 6. We had a great Division Leader. Our routes had great captains. We had great workers and great camaraderie.

At 7 a.m. every Sunday morning a bus would leave the college taking all the workers to a McDonalds in the middle of Division 6 (Chicago) where we would transfer to our busses for pickups.

This one was a cold morning. Everything was frozen. The heaters didn’t work on the bus and things would freeze on the inside windows. Just plain cold. We had a guy in Division 6 who was a bit odd. I liked the guy and just want to tell the story without embarrassing him, so I’ll call him Jim. Jim was different. Jim was a man who brilliant with computers but lacking in other areas. In other words he was a hacker. On this Sunday Jim took a seat about 2/3 of the way back by a window. The bus filled up fast and the only remaining seat was the aisle seat by Jim.

Paul Rasmussen was a cool smooth guy. He could be anyone’s friend and was fun to be around. He was the last guy to get on the bus. The only seat remaining was next to Jim. He sat down by Jim. He struck up a conversation and for the next hour they talked. While they talked Jim started picking his nose. He picked a booger and wiped it on the window where it froze. He picked another one, wiped it on the window, it froze. He picked another, and another, till there were about 6 frozen boogers frozen on the window in a horizontal line. Jim then dug into his ear and pulled out a clump of ear wax, which he wiped on the window and it froze. As Jim and Paul talked Jim started wiping the boogers from the window and eating them one at a time. As we neared the McDonald’s where we would transfer Jim wiped the last bit of ear wax from the window and licked it off his finger.

Most of us who had witnessed this were disgusted and wanted to get off the bus. As he rose to leave Paul said, “Hey Jim, do want to go inside and get something to eat?” Jim’s reply goes down in history. “No thanks,” he said, “I’ve already eaten.”

To end the story, "Jim" is still serving the Lord today in Texas.
Tennessean said:
With these Tales From the Tunnels I make a very reserved return to the forums. I stopped posting about a year and a half ago but since then, I have been to the South Hallway desk and filled out pink, blue, yellow and green permission slips in triplicate. All slips have been now been signed by the head hacker, Raider, and I passed hair check, after having only failed once. lol

-So I return on a limited basis to add to the stories that make up our memories from Hyles Anderson College.

I add a disclaimer before I post. I hold no ill will or have any bitter feeling toward anyone that might be mentioned. I loved the college and still hold Dr. Hyles in high regard. But hey, it was college. Some of the  staff and faculty did things that were odd or strange or sometimes even down right rude. But then we students did things that others thought were odd or strange or even down right rude. So, if it’s a real embarrassing story, we might change the names.

So the stories are here. You’ll learn
-Why Marty Braemer was never made a bus captain.
-How to get your division leader to dump his food from McDonald’s in the trash barely eaten.
-Why you never wanted to work off your 2 hours of demerit work for Mr. Jeff Hawkins in the dining hall.
-Why you should go to some staff men for hair check and not to others
-What happened when the college decided that dormitory men should clean their own bathrooms.
-About Bro. Bill Grady
-About Jim Alter
-About Benjie Fuller
-More about Bill Grady

So let’s get started

Breakfast on the Bus

My 2nd semester as a freshman I joined a bus route in Division 6. It was a great time to be in 6. We had a great Division Leader. Our routes had great captains. We had great workers and great camaraderie.

At 7 a.m. every Sunday morning a bus would leave the college taking all the workers to a McDonalds in the middle of Division 6 (Chicago) where we would transfer to our busses for pickups.

This one was a cold morning. Everything was frozen. The heaters didn’t work on the bus and things would freeze on the inside windows. Just plain cold. We had a guy in Division 6 who was a bit odd. I liked the guy and just want to tell the story without embarrassing him, so I’ll call him Jim. Jim was different. Jim was a man who brilliant with computers but lacking in other areas. In other words he was a hacker. On this Sunday Jim took a seat about 2/3 of the way back by a window. The bus filled up fast and the only remaining seat was the aisle seat by Jim.

Paul Rasmussen was a cool smooth guy. He could be anyone’s friend and was fun to be around. He was the last guy to get on the bus. The only seat remaining was next to Jim. He sat down by Jim. He struck up a conversation and for the next hour they talked. While they talked Jim started picking his nose. He picked a booger and wiped it on the window where it froze. He picked another one, wiped it on the window, it froze. He picked another, and another, till there were about 6 frozen boogers frozen on the window in a horizontal line. Jim then dug into his ear and pulled out a clump of ear wax, which he wiped on the window and it froze. As Jim and Paul talked Jim started wiping the boogers from the window and eating them one at a time. As we neared the McDonald’s where we would transfer Jim wiped the last bit of ear wax from the window and licked it off his finger.

Most of us who had witnessed this were disgusted and wanted to get off the bus. As he rose to leave Paul said, “Hey Jim, do want to go inside and get something to eat?” Jim’s reply goes down in history. “No thanks,” he said, “I’ve already eaten.”

To end the story, "Jim" is still serving the Lord today in Texas.
I WAS hungry...
Tennesseean, thank you.

I could have lived a thousand years wthout needing to hear or read that story.  ::)
Tennessean said:
With these Tales From the Tunnels I make a very reserved return to the forums. I stopped posting about a year and a half ago but since then, I have been to the South Hallway desk and filled out pink, blue, yellow and green permission slips in triplicate. All slips have been now been signed by the head hacker, Raider, and I passed hair check, after having only failed once. lol

You stinkin' deadbeat!!  While you were laying around the house the HAC FFF was going to the Fighting Forum!  Now, get your chin off of the ground and your head out of the sand and get with it!!!

P.S. It's good to have you back.
Tennesseean has probably been to summer Bible camp and got right with God again while he was there.

I hooe it lasts more than just a couple weeks before he backslides again, ;)
patriotic said:
Tennesseean has probably been to summer Bible camp and got right with God again while he was there.

I hooe it lasts more than just a couple weeks before he backslides again, ;)

I'm sure we will have to listen to him complain about the uncomfortable bed that he slept on as well as the terrible heat.
The World’s Greatest Division Leader

During my time at Hyles Anderson College the bus ministry reigned as the go to ministry. You were either in the bus ministry or you were not cool. You were told as a ministerial student that if you worked in the bus ministry for your 4 to 7 years as a student you would be prepared to pastor a church. True, working in the bus ministry at FBC/HAC did give me a compassion and heart for the people that today I do pastor. It also provided some great stories.

The Bus Ministry at this time was divided among 12 divisions. Each division had a number of bus routes that were overseen by Bus Captains. The Division was overseen by a Division Leader. The Division Leader answered to Bro. Ray Young,  the Bus Director, who answered to Bro. Hyles the Pastor.

In my 6 and ½ years as an undergraduate and graduate student I served under 5 Division Leaders. The best Division leader/bus captain I ever saw or was privileged to work under was Tim Rasmussen.

Tim knew how to make the trains or busses run on time. He had just taken over Division 6 and had transformed it. Tim realized that the Division should meet and distribute at a central location that saved everyone time, not at the Sears Tower. The busses left when they were supposed to, arrived when they were supposed to and everyone was happy.

I had been serving in another division and 2 weeks before Christmas break, a roommate named Dwayne Smith invited me to go with him on his route. I enjoyed the day. We witnessed to people, signed up riders and were fed lunch in 3 different homes. This was great. I enjoyed the day. Dwayne taught me that the wise bus worker should never pay for food on Saturday. Tim Rasmussen was now my bus captain and division leader. Tim knew how to fill a bus. His route ran 3 busses every Sunday. He gave you an area and a goal. On Saturday afternoon you had better have made it. More than once when he asked me for results after a hard day he said, “Tennessean, what do you do, tell the kids not to come?”

More stories may be told at a later date but this is a funny one. Tim was a big fan of McDonald’s Bacon, Egg and Cheese Biscuits. And from time to time he would order one at the McDonalds where we transferred to our busses each Sunday morning. One Sunday Dwayne  said, “Hey watch this.” Tim had just ordered a biscuit and had sat down to eat it. Dwayne waited for Tim to take the first bite of his biscuit, then he said, “Hey Bro. Tim, you know that some of the parents on our route work here and that they touch the bacon before they cook it.” With that Bro. Tim would dump his tray in the trash.

Good Times
Tim Rasmussen - a division leader?????


To think, for four years, I shared a mailbox with greatness!
You do know who trained Tim dont you?

Roger Casteel! I was also on his bus. Tim was a good guy!!
kaba said:
You do know who trained Tim dont you?

But, of course.

Roger Casteel! I was also on his bus. Tim was a good guy!!
And Tim is doing a fantastic job in Canoga Park now, while some of the other division leaders....