The reasons for us leaving are many, not just what is in the context of the SBC. Our pastor just turned 47 today. He's young, and he grew up in this area. He has many friends who have followed him from church to church (he was a youth pastor for several years, where he picked up a small following...then he was an associate pastor/youth pastor at a second church in the area where he already had friends who finally followed him to the present church he pastors) and slowly but surely, his friends who have followed him from place to place, and been his "yes men" have replaced some of the older members who were active in certain ministries. Shortly before, and during Covid he did away with many programs within the church. He wouldn't encourage home Bible studies, as these were believed to be divisive. During his tenure so far, he and his wife have had a hand in driving off two "worship" leaders, with the pastor's wife taking that ministry. With this placement/takeover questionable doctrine was introduced through songs with questionable doctrine. During our Valentine's Day banquet a couple of years ago secular music promoting adultery and fornication was allowed during the entertainment portion of the event. Though most of Rob's teaching/preaching is sound, when questionable doctrine is being preached he becomes defensive and goes through back channels to try and quell dissent. One of the worship leaders that left was our then assistant pastor (he's now taken a large SBC church in town as the pastor) brother. After he left, the pastor's wife took over. Since then the assistant has left to take the larger church, and his father-in-law, who was our deacon and was one of the people who came to the church because of "family ties," left and went back to the church of origin. It's all been nepotism and friends in this church. When it came time to vote on certain things if there was a quorum and the pastor didn't have enough votes in his favor, he would cancel the business meeting, and continue to do so until he had the advantage. This isn't the way a church body should work. There have been many who have gone to other congregations, and we were one of the holdouts. But, we've had enough. The church has been taking a move towards liberalism in doctrine, and we are ready for some steady, biblical standing in the church we attend. We've been there faithfully until COVID-19, and when we have been physically able since. We tithe, we contribute to other programs, and still spread the gospel from our home and in our lives. As you stated many times, you've gone back and found a congregation that is more solid in doctrine and biblical standing. We've been with the SBC since 2000 but have witnessed the slide into apostasy in both the convention and many of the churches, including our own to a great degree.