Mrs. Hyles and the kids

It would be interesting to know.
Actually, Mrs. Hyles felt that Hyles Publications was hers and the money that would go along with it. She’d planned to leave anyway and go back to Texas, but Jack Schaap’s answer of “no” just sent her on the road south faster! Hard feelings and I don’t blame her!
i grew up in FBC. Graduated from HBHS in 1976. I dated Cindy Hyles for a year in high school. Because of this I was privy to alot of the inner happenings of the Hyles family. Spent many Sunday afternoons at the Hyles house. This is long before Jack Schaap. I know things that happened in the Hyles family that have never been publically stated. I knew the family very well. two thoughts: FBC is not a church. It is a cult in every sense of the word. It is a cult portraying itself as a church. Truly, no different in philosophy than other church cults. The real victim in the Schaap saga is not Cindy Hyles. She and her family are part of the collateral damage that Schaap reaped on his family by his crime. The real victim is the young girl that he raped on more than one occassion. A girl who was the victim of prior sex abuse only to have it forced on her again by a cult leader. THis is what cult leaders do. They use their power to rape women and in this case, a young girl. I am amazed, though not shocked, that when I read all of these comments, I rarely find a discussion as to the life long damage and terror this young girl will face the rest of her life. She is the victim. She may never be able to pick up the pieces of her life that Schaap caused. FBC has a long tradition of sexual abuse, among women, children and men. This is the DNA of cults. Schaap is done. He'll be 65 when he gets out of prison and will be a registered sex offender the remaining days of his life for that is what he is. Start ackowledging in your posts the young girl who will have the hell of this follow her the rest of her life.
I say it all the time. I barely survived what happened to me there. The victims never really “get over it”.
Actually, Mrs. Hyles felt that Hyles Publications was hers and the money that would go along with it. She’d planned to leave anyway and go back to Texas, but Jack Schaap’s answer of “no” just sent her on the road south faster! Hard feelings and I don’t blame her!
If even some of the things Linda Murphrey said about her dad and his wealth were true, Mrs. Hyles would have had more money than she could ever spend.

Very few IFB pastors or assistant pastors have any kind of wealth at all. Most of their success comes from the generous benefits they may be offered as pastor and from the money from speaking engagements. I'm not sure Hyles Publications sold enough books to generate any kind of serious income and Dr. Hyles was know to give some of that money away.

Jack Hyles should have had a million dollar policy on himself so she would be cared for. Pastors wives are usually asked to leave the parsonage and sometimes live in poverity after their pastor husband dies. Most IFB pastors I know have no pension, 401K or significant savings when they retire.
If even some of the things Linda Murphrey said about her dad and his wealth were true, Mrs. Hyles would have had more money than she could ever spend.

Very few IFB pastors or assistant pastors have any kind of wealth at all. Most of their success comes from the generous benefits they may be offered as pastor and from the money from speaking engagements. I'm not sure Hyles Publications sold enough books to generate any kind of serious income and Dr. Hyles was know to give some of that money away.

Jack Hyles should have had a million dollar policy on himself so she would be cared for. Pastors wives are usually asked to leave the parsonage and sometimes live in poverity after their pastor husband dies. Most IFB pastors I know have no pension, 401K or significant savings when they retire.
I can agree with you and add that one never seems to say that they have enough money.
sawthruglassclearly, did you ever see my husband (Danny Hester) guarding the Hyles home ? He was there for many years and then at the church.
What you have spoken in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the housetops. Luke 12:3
Except in the case of the other party, it seems. I wonder what her nearly 600 texts were saying.

And, no, this is not a justification of Schaap, or an argument for the mitigation of the sentence he got, and neither do I believe it should have been, but neither do I buy the "he-cast-a-spell-on-us" baloney.

Effectively 17 is not an innocent age. Both parties are responsible for their actions. And I'd start there when counseling the girl (who would be nearly 30 now). I think telling her that she was just a vulnerable, hypnotized victim is not telling her the truth, nor of any help to her.

My takeaways from the document I linked:

  • She was a trouble-maker with boys to begin with. I suspect by that fact and the way things went with Schaap, that she was hot, and that she knew how to exploit her sex appeal. I don't think that her troubles were about just one romantic interest who no longer returned her affection. I also suspect her 'self-destructive behaviors' were a way to manipulate her parents and the administrators of the school.
  • Schaap's communications don't strike me as the kind written by a predator. Predators know better than to put things in writing unless they're worded to lend plausible deniability. They look to me like like the songs of a giddy, silly, stupid old fool, who fell in love with a willing hottie.
  • According to the document, their counseling started about her relationship. Now how do you suspect this turned into meetings for sex? Schaap wasn't a bad looking guy at the time, despite his nearly 60 years of age.

There's a lot of stupidity to go around, here. Schaap's stupidity is paramount, of course.

The parents also peg the stupidity meter...allowing their daughter to go to counselling alone with a man? Trust-worthy or not, that's just stupid. Monumentally stupid. Being under some kind of spell? Baloney...but even if it were so...they're responsible. They're hollering "witch!" just to save their skins.

And of course, the church. I of a ship of fools, for the same reason.

The victim is, of course, legally innocent, but only on a technicality. Morally, she is responsible for her actions. Under some kind of spell? Baloney...but even if it were so...she's responsible.
Except in the case of the other party, it seems. I wonder what her nearly 600 texts were saying.

And, no, this is not a justification of Schaap, or an argument for the mitigation of the sentence he got, and neither do I believe it should have been, but neither do I buy the "he-cast-a-spell-on-us" baloney.

Effectively 17 is not an innocent age. Both parties are responsible for their actions. And I'd start there when counseling the girl (who would be nearly 30 now). I think telling her that she was just a vulnerable, hypnotized victim is not telling her the truth, nor of any help to her.

My takeaways from the document I linked:

  • She was a trouble-maker with boys to begin with. I suspect by that fact and the way things went with Schaap, that she was hot, and that she knew how to exploit her sex appeal. I don't think that her troubles were about just one romantic interest who no longer returned her affection. I also suspect her 'self-destructive behaviors' were a way to manipulate her parents and the administrators of the school.
  • Schaap's communications don't strike me as the kind written by a predator. Predators know better than to put things in writing unless they're worded to lend plausible deniability. They look to me like like the songs of a giddy, silly, stupid old fool, who fell in love with a willing hottie.
  • According to the document, their counseling started about her relationship. Now how do you suspect this turned into meetings for sex? Schaap wasn't a bad looking guy at the time, despite his nearly 60 years of age.

There's a lot of stupidity to go around, here. Schaap's stupidity is paramount, of course.

The parents also peg the stupidity meter...allowing their daughter to go to counselling alone with a man? Trust-worthy or not, that's just stupid. Monumentally stupid. Being under some kind of spell? Baloney...but even if it were so...they're responsible. They're hollering "witch!" just to save their skins.

And of course, the church. I of a ship of fools, for the same reason.

The victim is, of course, legally innocent, but only on a technicality. Morally, she is responsible for her actions. Under some kind of spell? Baloney...but even if it were so...she's responsible.
On a strictly moral level, the fact that Schaap was a pastor places his culpability and accountability on a scale that makes any other individuals' culpability miniscule.

Not having first hand information, I am going to give benefit of the doubt to the victims.
This has been a subject that has intrigued me for years. I literally have it on second hand information (Bro. Hyles told this to my best friend -- whom I trust explicitly) that he was leaving Mrs. Hyles ten million dollars. And yet, neither she nor any of those kids has ever showed evidence of having much of anything.

Becky has lived a modest life in Texas for decades.

Dave is wherever he is, but upon last reliable information, was shaking the can wherever he could and his wife was working as a teller at a bank. This is not someone with money.

Linda has disappeared (I believe) to somewhere in California and has no association with the the other family members.

Cindy, after the Schaap tragedy, eventually moved to Oklahoma to marry a man of modest means and works a common job herself. Prior to that, she was working extremely menial jobs to feed herself. Again, no evidence of money, either from her dad, mother or Jack Schaap. Frankly I would be shocked if Jack did not rat hole some money before he went to prison. Money that Cindy did not know about.

And while Mrs. Hyles likely lived comfortably in Texas in her last years, it doesn't appear she live very large. And then, if she did have money from Bro. Hyles, who inherited it from her upon her death? No one in the family looks to have fat stacks.

It leads me to believe that either Bro. Hyles lied about his worth or that a whole bunch of money got spent in a hurry.

He's been gone 23 years and it's still intriguing to me.

"Believe none of what you hear and less of what you see."