Looking back....


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Jul 2, 2024
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Probably the greatest years were the very first of years (if one could call those years great). It was a a "perfect storm" of misfits with a sprinkling of a few normal persons. I came to the conclusion early that somehow problem young adults end up at "Christian Colleges & Universities". I doubted my decision to go there because I wasn't sure what group I would be classified in. I remember "Hawkeye", a double-jointed clutz with acne and thick glasses. He newer showered or brushed his teeth. His manners would gag a maggot. He would scoop up as many cornflakes on a spoon as possible and then take his other hand and carefully gather another 3 or 4 spoonfuls and balance them on his spoon and then force pack them into his mouth. Milk would trickle down his acne covered chin and drip on his wrinkled shirt. On one particular morning, we had a visiting missionary (lady), quite attractive, and she was having breakfast with the dorm students (she had stayed in the dormitory that previous evening). It so happened that Hawkeye was so taken by this lovely persons appearance, that he sat down right across the table from her. The tables were long folding type. This morning, after loading up a pint and a half of cornflakes in his mouth, he sneezed with his mouth full (and opened) and the entire contents was sprayed on this meek lady. She quickly vaulted up from the table and headed to the first floor women's restroom. I remember her high heels hitting the floor rapidly, a sound I would later associate with a pneumatic jackhammer busting up concrete. Hawkeye was just one of many. I do not think he ever made it to graduation. I would like to connect again with him to see how he is faring. And then there was Steve......
I didn't go to Trinity, but went to another Christian college. You are probably on to something with your assessment of Christian college students. The principle of easier to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter the kingdom probably applies.

Most popular (rich) kids won't naturally gravitate to the spiritual side of being. They have it made on the material side and think that way. They wouldn't come right out and say it, but they don't need God to survive in this world as they enter state college U and decide how they wish life to be for them.

When I graduated from high school (many years ago) I had no idea what I was going to do with my life. Within a month after graduating, I found a safe haven of sorts at the church. I found "my place" where I was accepted and had a place in the culture. That caused me to misinterpret some things happening in my life and propelled me on a path that never should have been for me. Yes, I was a misfit of sorts, but likely wouldn't have been identified as such. I think many of the students I would go on to meet in Christian college were the same. I met a few kids who were the "elite" of their respective environments, but not many.

Everything happens for a reason. I'm thankful that God has sustained me through the decades. I love Him and the education that I received, which would entail a degree at a Christian college and then, two additional degrees at secular institutions.

"How Firm a Foundation"